In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Spare parts kit for mobile parking heaters.
To ensure that your parking heater remains watertight, you will receive the common wear parts here.
Set consists of:
3x rubber plugs
2x O-rings
2x thread caps
1x storage bag
Product number:
Weight: 2,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
A handy rescue tool just in case: This pocket-sized SOS card is the most effective way to be prepared for emergencies. The handy size ensures that this helper fits into any wallet. Always at hand when needed. In addition, the printed Morse codes SOS and HELP are very useful.
The multifunction tool consists of: 4 wrenches 4 stripping blades 1 (emergency) cord 1 can opener 1 bottle opener 1 screwdriver head 1 knife blade 1 inclinometer
*Only while supplies last
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
27 LED Tent Light Starter Kit, 155 lumens, length: 30cm
Operation with 12 V via plug or with 230 V with adapter (both included)
30 LEDs on a rigid, 30 cm long light strip for a light output of 155 lumens
Includes clips, adhesive pads and adhesive tape for mounting
2 m cable for flexible positioning.
Product number:
Weight: 1,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Nakatanenga Grillspieß-Set Grillen ist mit Sicherheit die älteste und einfachste Methode um Essen zuzubereiten – viele würden auch sagen: Immer noch die beste! Wir teilen diese Meinung und deswegen hat man mit unserem 6-teiligen Nakatanenga Grillspieß-Set alles parat, um auf dem Lagerfeuer, dem Barbecue-Grill oder auch dem Kaminfeuer Fleisch und andere Köstlichkeiten zu rösten. Einfacher geht’s nicht! Unsere Spieße sind aus rostfreiem Stahl und extra breit, so wie sie traditionell für Shish Kebabs vom Balkan bis nach Indien verwendet werden. Neben ganzen Fleischstücken eignen sie sich durch die breite Form besonders auch für Hackfleisch-Kebabs. Die Fleischmasse hält nämlich besser auf dem breiten Bratspieß und fällt auch beim Umdrehen nicht auseinander. Mit 60 cm Länge lassen sich bei 6 Spießen auch größere Gruppen gut verköstigen. Die Grillspieße haben ein Griffloch am Ende und sind dort auch zweimal gedreht. Das sorgt nicht nur für guten Halt auf der Auflage, sondern lässt heißen Bratensaft abtropfen bevor er die Finger verbrennt oder verklebt. Eine saubere Sache, vor allem auch wegen unserer hochwertigen und leicht zu reinigenden Tasche aus 100 % Nylon mit Klettverschluss. Übrigens: Wer zu den Spießen auch noch eine perfekte und mobile Feuerstelle sucht, sollte sich unsere zerlegbare Feuerschale mit Grillrost anschauen. Maße Tasche LxB: 61 x 11,5 cmKomplettgewicht: 493 gMaterial: Stahl, rostfrei Lieferumfang: 6 Stk Grillspieße1 Stk Transporttasche
Product number:
Weight: 0,7
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
- can be used with 12 volts (plug) or 230 volts (mains adapter), both supplied
- 90 LEDs on a flexible, 90 cm long light strip with an output of 294 lumens
- comes with clips, sticky pads and tape for attachment
- 2 metres long cord for flexible mounting
Product number:
Weight: 1,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Activated carbon fan kit for mini dry separation toilet KoMa Kackbox.USB fan kit with activated carbon filter and drilling template (not mounted) Mounting template included Fan with USB connection and switch for 2 speeds 1 set of activated carbon filters4 stainless steel screws and nuts1 cutting template1 paper bag The mini dry separation toilet poop box from KoMa you can find here. You can find replacement filters here. For hygienic reasons, this item is generally excluded from return.
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Activated carbon filter mat, 12mm thick, set of 4 Replacement filter mats for the activated carbon fan kit of the dry separation toilet poop box. Scope of delivery: 4 pcs filters
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Endstück für Warmluftschlauch WALUFLEX Unsere 60 mm Flexi-Rohre für Standheizungen sind die perfekte Lösung um Wärme und Gemütlichkeit von A nach B zu befördern, wobei B eines unserer Dachzelte sein kann, eine kalte Berghütte oder was sonst auch immer Off-Grid beheizt werden soll. Die Warmluftrohre können auf beliebige Längen zugeschnitten werden und damit die Rohrenden sauber abschließen oder leicht und luftdicht verlängert werden können, haben wir hier einen Adapter aus Silikon zum einfachen Festratschen. Der Adapter ist das i-Tüpfelchen für unsere Warmluftleitungen. Es ginge vielleicht auch ohne, aber besser ist eindeutig mit. Zum einen ist es sicherer für Mensch, Equipment oder Auto, weil Kanten, Fransen und Drahtenden des abgeschnittenen Rohres unter der Silikonhülle verschwinden und so keine Gelegenheit zum Kratzen, Piksen oder Reißen bekommen. Außerdem ist es sehr praktisch: Ein Ende des Silikon-Adapters wird mit einem der mitgelieferten Kabelbinder semi-permanent auf dem abgeschnittenen Rohr befestigt. Das andere Ende des Adapters kann dann mit der Ratschenschelle je nach Bedarf auf einem Anschluss oder einer Verlängerung festgezogen werden (ideal für unsere Standheizungen). Ohne die Ratsche ist der Silikonadapter, der das Rohr nur um 5 mm dicker macht, eine perfekte und ästhetisch ansprechende Endmanschette. Das Auge campt schließlich mit und wer will schon auf fransende Rohrenden schauen.
Measurements inside
Measurements outside
10 litres
370x200x140 mm
400x230x156 mm
19 litres
500x220x170 mm
530x250x186 mm
20 litres
360x260x180 mm
390x290x200 mm
23 litres
470x350x140 mm
500x380x160 mm
29 litres
360x260x310 mm
390x290x330 mm
42 litres
550x350x220 mm
580x380x240 mm
60 litres
550x350x310 mm
580x380x330 mm
73 litres
550x350x350 mm
580x380x400 mm
56 litres
1220x240x190 mm
1250x270x210 mm
67 litres
550x550x220 mm
580x580x240 mm
74 litres
750x550x180 mm
780x580x200 mm
81 litres
750x350x310 mm
780x380x330 mm
115 litres
550x550x380 mm
580x580x400 mm
120 litres
750x550x280 mm
780x580x300 mm
134 litres
850x450x350 mm
880x480x370 mm
157 litres
750x550x380 mm
780x580x400 mm
175 litres
550x550x580 mm
580x580x600 mm
163 litres
1150x350x380 mm
1180x380x400 mm
192 litres
2100x480x190 mm
2130x510x220 mm
198 litres
1130x720x225 mm
1180x770x260 mm
240 litres
750x550x580 mm
780x580x600 mm
350 litres
1150x750x400 mm
1180x780x420 mm
415 litres
1150x750x480 mm
1180x780x500 mm
550 litres
1150x750x630 mm
1180x780x650 mm
690 litres
1150x750x730 mm
1180x780x750 mm
Please note that there is one important consideration about aluminum. As always, we make sure our products are stored, handled and shipped with the utmost care. Aluminum boxes, however, can always show minimal scratches, dull spots, blemishes, small dents or other superficial marks on delivery. These are solely due to the specific properties of the material. On contact with atmospheric oxygen, aluminum develops a natural, anti-corrosion patina. Three times lighter than steel, it is also considerably softer, making it the perfect material for metal sheets, especially when weight and durability are important. The flip side of these properties, though, means that aluminum can never be entirely free of scratches, blemishes etc. This is why these surface marks do not constitute grounds for customer complaints. After all, aluminum boxes are meant to be rugged items for heavy duty use and every mark tells a story. With that in mind, we hope you get the most out of your boxes!
without insert bag
There are many aluminium roof boxes on the market - ranging from expensive, heavy and cheap quality. This aluminium box has an excellent quality/price ratio. It's also water- and dust-proof according to the IP54-Norm. The aluminium alloy of the box offers good protection against salt water and other environmental toxicants. The material strength is 1.0 mm. waterproof / dustproof according to IP54 standard
Delivery without FLIXPLUS lashings!
Please note that there is one important consideration about aluminum. As always, we make sure our products are stored, handled and shipped with the utmost care. Aluminum boxes, however, can always show minimal scratches, dull spots, blemishes, small dents or other superficial marks on delivery. These are solely due to the specific properties of the material. On contact with atmospheric oxygen, aluminum develops a natural, anti-corrosion patina. Three times lighter than steel, it is also considerably softer, making it the perfect material for metal sheets, especially when weight and durability are important. The flip side of these properties, though, means that aluminum can never be entirely free of scratches, blemishes etc. This is why these surface marks do not constitute grounds for customer complaints. After all, aluminum boxes are meant to be rugged items for heavy duty use and every mark tells a story. With that in mind, we hope you get the most out of your boxes!
Foldable aluminium windscreen
Increase the burning time or heat output of your cooker or barbecue with this practical windbreak.In some situations, cooking is only possible with a windbreak. However, the windbreak should be additionally secured at both ends in strong gusts.
for all types of outdoor cookers
can also be used as a splash guard
2 integrated ground holders
with transport bag
Material:100 % aluminium
Available sizes: 65x13cm67x24cm
The Elf C1 is a compact and lightweight multifunction lamp with a standard selection of light modes and micro USB cable.Optimal weight, impressive brightness and easy operation. Even more comfort for active recreation for joggers, alpinists, cavers and anglers.Impressive 1000 lumens in a housing that weighs only 56 grams. The Elf C1 is an excellent main or supplementary light source for any everyday activity. The lamp is easy to take along for an evening walk, hunting, fishing or an outing. It takes up little space, fits in any pocket and does not need to be recharged for 60 days when used in energy-saving mode. The lamp can also be used as a light - from a power source with USB output and no battery inside. Thanks to the Micro USB connection, no charger is needed: any Micro USB cable is suitable for charging. The powerful integrated magnet, the detachable clip and the forehead holder allow for various mounting options, and the additional hole on the back cover qualifies the Elf C1 as a fully-fledged 5-in-1 multi-function lamp.
Light and optics:
Colour temperature: White / Warm White
LED: Samsung LH351D
Optics : TIR
Luminous flux, lumen: 1000 lm / 930 lm
Luminous range, metres: 103 m
Brightness stabilisation : DIGITAL (CPU brightness control)
Central light field:Lateral spread: 70°:120°
Operating modes
Number of modes: 6
Running time in highest light level: 52 min (530 lm after 4 min)
Running time in lowest light level: 60 d
Strobe mode
Dimensions and weight
Head diameter: 33 mm
Housing diameter: 20.4 mm
Length: 75.9 mm
Weight (without battery): 56 g
Material : Aircraft-grade aluminium
Anti-slip coating : Premium type III hard anodizing 400HV
Protection class against ingress of dust and water : IP68
Max. Immersion depth : 10 m
Max. Drop height : 10 m
Working range: -25..+40 °C
Power source compatibility: 1x18350 Li-Ion ( also available here in the shop).
Protection against accidental switch-on
Coloured battery status indicator
Low charge indicator
Scope of delivery:
18350 Li-Ion battery 900mAh
Micro USB charger
Headband holder
Retaining clip
2 spare O-rings
User manual
Application noteFor further application information, please refer to the product data sheet
Prime C1 Magnet USB XP-L White Flashlight
Armytek are famous for creative outdoor and survival flashlights like the angle-head lamps Tiara or Wizard. More traditional flashlights with light beams out of the front are also better when developed and produced by the Canadians. The Prime C1 Magnet USB is such a high-quality flashlight, combining traditional design and extreme performance.
A total of 11 light modes, 970 OTF Lumen and 165 m beam distance in the most powerful turbo setting, various strobe modes for signaling and a virtually endless low light setting with 60 days until the battery is drained, those are not the only top arguments in favor of the Prime C1. With a length of only 92 mm, the flashlight is compact enough to fit any pocket and so robust that it can be run over by a car.
The Prime is certified to function in water depths of up to 10 m for at least 2 hrs. In other words, you will never ever have to worry about your flashlight not being protected from rainwater, dirt and dust. As is customary with Armytek lamps, the Prime is activated and operated by a single button. The button has a firm pressure point and is recessed into the housing to prevent accidental activation and draining of the battery. Apropos draining: once the Prime is switched off, the flashlight boasts an ultra-low current drain technology. It would take the battery 25 years or more to go completely flat. Sounds too good to be true? Armytek are so confident in their product that they provide a no-hassle 10-year warranty.
The Prime C1 comes with a case, metal clip, two rubber seals, magnetic charging cable and a rechargeable 18650 Li-Ion battery.
Light & OpticsColor temperature: WhiteLED light output: 1,050 lmOTF light output: 970 lmBeam distance: 165 mLED: XP-LStabilization of brightness : FULL (constant brightness)Hotspot: 20°Spill: 80°
Dimensions & WeightHead diameter: 24.5 mmLength: 92 mmBody diameter: 24.5 mmWeight : 60 g
Body & DurabilityWaterproof & Submersible: 10 mOperation temperature : -25..+40 °CImpact Resistance: 10 m
Modes & ElectronicsPower source: 1x18350 Li-IonNumber of modes: 6Runtime for maximal mode: 30 minRuntime for minimal mode: 60 daysAbility to use batteries with a flat contact: yesProtection from accidental switch-on:yes
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Prime C2 Pro - unglaublich helles, breites Licht im klassischen Format Der Prime C2 Pro ist ein Allrounder für den täglichen Gebrauch mit einem robusten Körper, einem praktischen Seitentaster und einem komfortablen Lichtwinkel von 120°.Es ist sowohl für den täglichen als auch für den beruflichen Gebrauch geeignet: Wandern oder Radfahren, Wandern, Servicearbeiten und Sicherheitsaktivitäten. Der neue Prime C2 Pro bietet eine beeindruckende Helligkeit von 2400 Lumen und größere Beleuchtungswinkel als die Vorgängerversion. Die Taschenlampe erhielt auch zusätzliche Designvorteile für den bequemsten Alltagsgebrauch: Die Länge des Gehäuses wurde reduziert, die Schlaglünette wurde hinzugefügt. Die Taschenlampe wird mit einem 18650 Li-Ion 3500 mAh Akku mit hoher Kapazität geliefert, der über ein proprietäres magnetisches USB-Kabel aufgeladen wird. Ein abnehmbarer Clip befestigt die Taschenlampe sicher an einem Rucksackgurt oder einer Tasche, und ein Magnet in der hinteren Abdeckung ermöglicht es Ihnen, sie an einer Metalloberfläche zu befestigen. Eine markante Lünette aus Stahl, ein sicheres Holstergehäuse und optionale Farbfilter helfen Ihnen, jede spezielle Aufgabe erfolgreich zu bewältigen. Prime C2 Pro ist auch mit der Fahrradhalterung ABM-01 kompatibel und kann als Fahrradscheinwerfer verwendet werden. Licht und Optik: Farbtemperatur: kaltweiß Optik: TIR Lichtstrom, Lumen: 2.400 lm Leuchtweite, Meter: 123 m Helligkeitsstabilisierung: Full (constant light) Zentrales Lichtfeld:Seitliche Streuung: 70°:120° Betriebsarten: Anzahl der Modi: 6 simple operation by default / 12 advanced operation Laufzeit in höchster Leuchtstufe: 2 h 48 min (610 lm nach 30 sec) Laufzeit in niedrigster Leuchtstufe: 6,5 Monate Stroboskop-Modus Abmessungen und Gewicht: Kopfdurchmesser: 25,4 mm Gehäusedurchmesser: 20,4 mm Länge: 117,7 mm Gewicht (ohne Akku): 68 g Gehäuse: Material: Aircraft-grade aluminium Rutschhemmende Beschichtung: Premium type III hard anodizing 400HV Schutzklasse vor Eindringen von Staub und Wasser: IP68 Max. Eintauchtiefe: 10 m Max. Fallhöhe: 10 m Arbeitsbereich: -25..+40 °C Elektronik Kompatibilität zu Stromquellen: 1x18650 Li-Ion (auch hier im Shop erhältlich!) Verwendung ungeschützter Akkus möglich Möglichkeit geschützte Akkus zu benutzen Schutz vor versehentlichem Einschalten Farbige Batteriezustandsanzeige Anzeige eines niedrigen Ladezustands Lieferumfang: Taschenlampe 18650 Li-Ion Batterie 3.500 mAh Magnetisches-USB-Ladegerät Halte-Clip Holster mit Gürtelschlaufe 2 Ersatz-O-Ringe Benutzerhandbuch AnwendungshinweisFür weitere Anwendungsinformationen beachten Sie bitte das Produktdatenblatt
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
This light belongs in every hunter's backpack. Solid housing with 1" standard housing diameter, fits most underbarrel mounts. It is a powerful and robust tactical torch with all-round light pattern. Additional accessories, such as colour filters and cable remotes, have been designed to allow the torch to be used in a wide range of conditions.
- Luminosity up to 1,800 OTF lumens.- Light range up to 370 m.- Up to 200 days runtime with a 18650 Li-Ion battery.
Light and Optics
Colour temperature: White
Maximum output (LED lumen): 2,300 lm
Optics : Smooth reflector (SMO)
Maximum output (OTF lumens): 1,800 lm
Light range, metre: 286 m
Central field of light: 10
Lateral spread: 80°
Operating modes:
Number of modes: 9
Running time in highest light level: 1h
Running time in lowest light level: 200 days
Dimensions and weight
Head diameter: 25.4 mm
Case diameter: 41 mm
Length: 154 mm
Weight (without battery): 126 g Housing
Max. Immersion depth: 50 m
Max. Drop height: 30 m
Working range: -25..+40 °C
ElectronicsCompatibility with power sources: 1x18650 Li-Ion / 2x18350 Li-Ion / 2xR123 Li-Ion / 2xCR123A
Protection against accidental switch-on
Coloured battery level indicator
Low charge indicator
Scope of delivery:
Holster with belt loop
Carrying clip
Hand strap
Compat ring made of rubber
Spare cap for switch
2 spare sealing rings
Operating instructions
Battery not included in delivery! (2x18350 Li-Ion available here in the shop)
Application noteFor further application information please refer to the product data sheet
The Wizard C2 is the revised version of Armytek's first multifunction lamp.Suitable for anyone who needs a lamp with a standard selection of light modes and the simplest possible operation.The light intensity of this model reaches 1200 lumens at a distance of up to 108 metres. The 18650 Li-ion battery with a capacity of 3200 mAh is charged in the lamp via a special magnetic USB cable. The universal Wizard C2 offers various mounting options: on metallic surfaces via the magnet in the rear cover, on clothing, belts or bags via clip, on the head via a comfortable headband.The Wizard C2 is compatible with the bicycle mount ABM-01 and the helmet mount AHM-02.
Light and optics
Colour temperature: White / Warm White
LED : Samsung LH351D
Optics : TIR
Luminous flux, lumen: 1200 lm / 1120 lm
Luminous range, metre: 108 m
Brightness stabilisation : Digital (CPU brightness control)
Central light field:Lateral spread: 70°:120°
Operating modes
Number of modes: 6
Running time in highest light level: 2 h 45 min (580 lm after 4 min)
Running time in lowest light level: 200 d
Strobe mode:
Dimensions and weight
Head diameter: 33 mm
Housing diameter: 20.4 mm
Length: 112 mm
Weight (without battery): 64 g
Material : Aircraft-grade aluminium
Anti-slip coating : Premium type III hard anodizing 400HV
Protection class against ingress of dust and water : IP68
Max. Immersion depth : 10 m
Max. Drop height : 10 m
Working range: -25..+40 °C
Compatibility with power sources: 1x18650 Li-Ion
Possibility to use unprotected batteries
Possibility to use protected batteries
Protection against accidental switch-on
Coloured battery status indicator
Indication of low charge level
Scope of delivery:
18650 Li-Ion battery 3200 mAh
Magnetic USB charger
Headband holder
Retaining clip
2 spare O-rings
User manual
Application noteFor further application information, please refer to the product data sheet
Zippy Extended Set Multi-Flashilght
Product Description:Zippy Extended Set
Armytek, Canadian manufacturer of high quality flashlights for extreme tasks, have developed a small and light keyring lamp for your pocket. Unlike Armytek’s extreme outdoor flashlights Tiara or Wizard, the Zippy is truly an everyday item. Zippy sounds like Zippo, the legendary reusable lighter, and that’s most likely no coincidence because, like the Zippo lighter, the Zippy lamp is small, compact and absolutely reliable.
The Zippy is 9 mm thin and weighs only 12 g. In stark contrast to many other keyring lights, usually given away as branded merchandise, the Zippy is a proper multifunctional flashlight with 3 light modes, 160 OTF Lumen and 15 m beam distance in the brightest setting. The wide-angle illumination is a great help when you need to orient in the dark or want to find a misplaced item. There is also a low light “firefly” mode to find a keyhole and a brighter ambient light setting for quick repair jobs. It will be more than enough light to change a tire or a fuse, fix starter cables to a car battery and a lot more. The integrated 100 mAh Li-Pol battery lasts 17 min in the brightest mode and 10 h in the darkest. It is recharged via USB.
The Zippy’s housing is water- and dustproof to IP67 standard and protected by stiffening ribs. Its ring attachment is made from metal and firmly integrated into the construction. There’s no breaking it off or tearing it out of the housing. And then there’s another great design feature you’ll appreciate if you hate disposable gadgets as much as we do: The transparent plastic housing is neither glued nor permanently pegged. It can easily be opened by four screws in case it is damaged or something needs to be fixed on the inside. The likelihood of failures, however, can be gauged by the fact that the Zippy comes with a 5-year no-hassle warranty.
The Extended Set includes a metal clip for belts, bags or caps and a magnetic, multifunctional swivel-mount for headbands or temporary attachment to car bodies or other metal surfaces. The Zippy comes in blue, green, yellow or gray.
Armytek is a Canadian brand for high qualtity multi-flashlights for extreme performance in job and hobby. As the brand name suggests, the products are designed to correspond to military standards regarding functionality and quality.
Available in 4 different colors!
The lamp WITHOUT magnet and headlamp attachment can be found here.
Product Specification:
Light & OpticsLED light output: 200 lmOTF light output: 160 lmBeam distance: 15 mStabilization of brightness : FULL (constant brightness)Hotspot: 60°Spill: 110°
Dimensions & WeightLength: 59 mmWeight : 12 g
Body & DurabilityBody material : PlasticWaterproof & Submersible: 1 mWaterproof and dustproof standard : IP67Operation temperature : -10...+40 °CImpact Resistance: 2 m
Modes & ElectronicsPower source: Li-Pol 100 mAhNumber of modes: 3Runtime for maximal mode: 17 minRuntime for minimal mode: 10 hAbility to use batteries with a flat contact: yesProtection from accidental switch-on: yes
Armytek Zippy Keychain Flashlight
Armytek, Canadian manufacturer of high quality flashlights for extreme tasks, have developed a small and light keyring lamp for your pocket. Unlike Armytek’s extreme outdoor flashlights Tiara or Wizard, the Zippy is truly an everyday item. Zippy sounds like Zippo, the legendary reusable lighter, and that’s most likely no coincidence because, like the Zippo lighter, the Zippy lamp is small, compact and absolutely reliable.
The Zippy is 9 mm thin and weighs only 12 g. In stark contrast to many other keyring lights, usually given away as branded merchandise, the Zippy is a proper multifunctional flashlight with 3 light modes, 160 OTF Lumen and 15 m beam distance in the brightest setting. The wide-angle illumination is a great help when you need to orient in the dark or want to find a misplaced item. There is also a low light “firefly” mode to find a keyhole and a brighter ambient light setting for quick repair jobs. It will be more than enough light to change a tire or a fuse, fix starter cables to a car battery and a lot more. The integrated 100 mAh Li-Pol battery lasts 17 min in the brightest mode and 10 h in the darkest. It is recharged via USB.
The Zippy’s housing is water- and dustproof to IP67 standard and protected by stiffening ribs. Its ring attachment is made from metal and firmly integrated into the construction. There’s no breaking it off or tearing it out of the housing. And then there’s another great design feature you’ll appreciate if you hate disposable gadgets as much as we do: The transparent plastic housing is neither glued nor permanently pegged. It can easily be opened by four screws in case it is damaged or something needs to be fixed on the inside. The likelihood of failures, however, can be gauged by the fact that the Zippy comes with a 5-year no-hassle warranty.
Armytek is a Canadian brand for high qualtity multi-flashlights for extreme performance in job and hobby. As the brand name suggests, the products are designed to correspond to military standards regarding functionality and quality.Brightness up to 160 OTF Lm.Beam distance up to 15 m.Built-in Li-Pol 100 mAh battery.5 years no-hassle warranty.
Specificationavailable in blue, yellow, green and gray
Light & OpticsLED light output: 200 lmOTF light output: 160 lmBeam distance: 15 mStabilization of brightness : FULL (constant brightness)Hotspot: 60°Spill: 110°
Dimensions & WeightLength: 59 mmWeight : 12 g
Body & DurabilityBody material : PlasticWaterproof & Submersible: 1 mWaterproof and dustproof standard : IP67Operation temperature : -10...+40 °CImpact Resistance: 2 m
Modes & ElectronicsPower source: Li-Pol 100 mAhNumber of modes: 3Runtime for maximal mode: 17 minRuntime for minimal mode: 10 hAbility to use batteries with a flat contact:Protection from accidental switch-on: yes
Awning Organizer
Ordering is no longer difficult with this handy Awning Organizer. Unused space becomes the perfect storage facility in a jiffy. Important things are no longer in the way but still within reach. The supplied cords and wooden knobs make fixing easy and possible in many different ways.
Color: gray
Width: 45 cm / Height: 105 cm
1 Organizer
4 rope cords
4 wooden knobs
Product number:
Weight: 1,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
This is how simple the application of Ballistol Grill Cleaner can be described. The active foam's effectiveness helps to remove grease splashes, stubborn encrustations, marinade residues and many other stains from grills and grates.
Product features:
Strongly adhesive, powerful active foam
High fat dissolving power
Removes burnt-on residues, fresh or dried-on grease, marinade residues, etc. without leaving any residue
Also suitable for gas nozzles, stainless steel covers, enamelled grills and plastic parts
Extremely productive
Developed with barbecue professionals
easily biodegradable
without nanotechnology
Gentle on many surfaces: Stainless steel, enamel, plastic etc.
Not suitable for light and non-ferrous metals, painted or non-stick surfaces.
Causes skin irritation. Causes severe eye irritation. If medical advice is needed, have packaging or label at hand. Keep out of the reach of children. Wash thoroughly after use. Wear protective gloves / clothing / eye protection / face protection. In case of contact with skin: Wash with plenty of water. In case of contact with eyes: Rinse cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if possible. Continue rinsing. In case of skin irritation: Seek medical advice / medical attention. If eye irritation persists: Seek medical advice / attention. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Dispose of contents / container for recycling.
Product number:
Weight: 1,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Ballistol Universal & Plastic Cleaner
is used for cleaning all surfaces in the car, household and industry. Removes all soiling such as soot, grease, oil, nicotine and insect remains.
Product properties:
high dirt dissolving power for soot, grease, oil, nicotine, insect residues and more.
no wiping or rinsing with water necessary
removes 99.9 % of bacteria
short reaction time
has an antistatic effect
dust and dirt repellent
Very economical with a fresh scent
gentle on materials
silicone-free, solvent-free
without nanotechnology
Note: Keep out of the reach of children. Dispose of contents / container for recycling.
Product number:
Weight: 1,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Clean - Protect - Lubricate
Whether for handicraft, home or hobby, whether for care, protection, cleaning or lubrication, whether at home, at work or on the road - Ballistol Universal Oil is the right oil for 1,000 cases and more. The innovative VarioFlex has a flexible spray hose that can be bent individually and reach every hidden corner.
Variable - It has never been easier to switch from area jet (spray) to spot jet (stream). With a quick flick of the wrist, you fold down the capillary hose and an even spray pattern covers surfaces with universal oil. The spray head can be switched to spot spray just as quickly for individual spots.
Flexible - The capillary tube has been turned into a capillary hose with memory effect. Simply bend the hose to reach remote nooks and crannies.
Economical - The large trigger area makes it easy to dispense, even when wearing gloves. Accurate, as much as you need and still the proven Ballistol effect. A little helps a lot.
Always with us - And finally, we have also heard the customer testimonies who told us that they lost the capillary tube... (one very creative one even converted a biro refill ("thumbs up" for ingenuity)). With our VarioFlex, you always have everything on hand (or woman). One spray for 1,000 cases...
extremely creeping
does not resinify
completely biodegradable
food safe
completely harmless
environmentally friendly
has a disinfecting effect
Ballistol Universal Oil was developed as early as 1904 and has been manufactured in Germany according to an unchanged recipe ever since. All active ingredients contained in Ballistol Universal Oil are particularly pure, of biological origin and completely degradable. The base oil for Ballistol Universal Oil is of medical purity, free of chlorinated hydrocarbons and contains no substances of animal origin.
In addition, Ballistol Universal Oil is free of silicone, PTFE, acids and resins and is harmless in the sense of §§ 30,31 Foodstuffs, Commodities and Feedstuffs Act (LFGB) and Regulation (EC) No. 1935/2004. Ballistol Universal Oil is therefore suitable for the care and maintenance of machines and equipment used in the food and beverage industry and where product contact may occur.
Ballistol Universal Oil cleans, maintains, protects, preserves and dissolves rust as well as residues such as resins of unsuitable oils and can be used on wood, leather, stainless steel, iron, non-ferrous metals and oil-resistant rubber. As a universal oil, it can be used in an incredibly wide range of applications - in professional and hobby workshops, for industry and crafts, cars and motorbikes, household and garden, fishing, sports and for leather and gun care.
There are thousands of practical applications for Ballistol Universal Oil and new ones are constantly being discovered. You too can benefit from the advantages of the original Ballistol Universal Oil.
Danger: Extremely flammable aerosol. Container is pressurised: may burst if heated. Keep out of the reach of children. Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks, open flames and other ignition sources. Do not smoke. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Protect from sunlight and do not expose to temperatures exceeding 50 °C. Dispose of contents / container for recycling.
Product number:
Weight: 0,6
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
BIC Lighter Mini or Slim with Nakatanenga Cover
A lighter should produce a flame quickly and reliably and under any circumstances, especially during outdoor activities. Gas lighters using a friction stone are your most reliable option, certainly when compared to those with a click mechanism, as these often jam or break. For many campers, backpackers or survival experts, the lighters of choice have long been the small and light MINI or SLIM editions from BIC. They are robust, ingeniously simple in design and always work - as long as there is some gas left in the tank.
Our plastic cover with the Nakatanenga logo protects against accidental emptying (or ignition) of the lighters in your trouser pocket or backpack. Simply place the BIC head first in the protective case and the gas button can no longer be pressed. In addition, the sturdy case also protects your BIC from water or dirt, so it's always ready to go when you need it.
Available in khaki including one BIC MINI or BIC SLIM.
Note: BIC lighters are delivered in different colours, randomly! Colour not selectable!
Practical water bottle holder
Transporting drinking water or other drinks safely during sport, hiking, on bicycles or in cars has never been easier and more flexible than with our new Nakatanenga Bottle Bag. The MOLLE system, which originates from the tactical-military sector, provides an absolutely secure and, above all, space-saving attachment option on belts, rucksacks (e.g. our backpack rucksack) and daypacks - or on our special MOLLE panels, e.g. for vehicles.
Velcro surfaces at the bottom and front allow additional securing via Velcro straps or belts. This prevents the water supply from swinging back and forth on the rucksack. An important aspect, especially on long mountain hikes or similar.
The Codura laminate bottle holder is extremely lightweight and can be adjusted to any standard bottle size using the elasticated straps and adjustable base. Binoculars, radio equipment and much more can also be transported in the bag.
Available in the colours grey coyote, coyote and black.