In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Heavy Duty Clutch Kit for Land Rover Defender TD5 The clutch has to transmit enormous forces, especially when shifting gears under higher loads, e.g. in trailer operation or in vehicles with increased performance. A sometimes occurring problem in connection with the original clutch of the Defender is the penetration of oil from the engine or the gearbox into the clutch bell. This oil is absorbed by the porous friction linings and repeatedly comes into contact with the friction lining surface during driving due to the frictional heat generated. As a result of the reduced frictional engagement, the friction linings generate more heat and glaze. The heat is a measure of the converted energy that is no longer available to the drive!The organic lining used in this clutch cannot absorb oil and therefore cannot vitrify. It convinces with specially adjusted friction modifiers with a soft response behaviour and enables a 100% frictional connection. It goes without saying that the pads are asbestos-free, lead-free and free of other toxic heavy metals and heavy metal compounds.Note: We also recommend replacing the old clutch slave cylinder & clutch master cylinder -> Clutch slave cylinder / clutch master cylinderComplete set consisting of automatic clutch, friction disc and release bearing.
LOF Clutches Clutch Alignment Tool
This tool enables you to correctly align clutch discs in most Land Rover models. The alignment tool is CNC machined from black Nylon and will suit TDI, TDCI Puma, TD5, 2.25 and all 4-cylinder engines on Series I - III.
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Discovery 3 & 4 ROADspec HD clutch kit 3pc
In response to popular demand, LOF Clutches has developed a heavy duty clutch kit for Discovery 3 and 4 models. This ROADspec clutch uses organic heavy duty friction material and is perfect for vehicles that have been tuned or remapped or are used for towing large loads day in, day out, as well as expedition vehicles and off-roaders.
LOF HD organic friction material
+20% more torque capabilities over OEM
+20% higher coefficient of friction Low wear rate/ Longer life
1x Clutch cover
1x Clutch driven plate
1x Genuine concentric slave cylinder (release bearing)
Assembly grease
Pedal weight not heavier than original
ROADspec TD5 for vehicles with dual mass flywheel
LOF Clutches’ goal was to deliver the best clutch kit for Td5 Discovery and Defender with dual mass flywheel. They have engineered this product with two specific objectives: first, to prevent the typical vibrations for Td5 and second, to guarantee long lasting service from clutch and flywheel. The ROADspec clutch is specifically designed for your daily road-going Td5 Defender or Discovery. If you do a bit of towing now and then, perhaps some light off-roading or just use your Landy as a commuter, then the ROADspec has everything you need to keep you going for years to come. It’ll even take mildly tuned motors that have a little more poke than standard! And by the way, the pedal weight is not heavier than original.
Perfect for vehicles with a Stage1 map/ 400Nm / 180 bhp.
LOF heavy duty friction material
Billet machined center hub
High quality release bearing
1x G90 high-temp assembly grease
Clutch cover Nyloc fasteners
1x CNC wire-formed anti-rattle wire spring clip
1x CNC wire-formed pushrod clip
1x spigot bush OEM
1x fork bush OEM
Pedal weight not heavier than original
Note from LOF: if this clutch is newly installed, the LOF Powermaster clutch master cylinder and the LOF clutch slave cylinder should not be installed as well.
Legal Disclaimer: Technical modification can result in noise generation. This is not detrimental to the vehicle’s reliability or performance and therefore no cause for complain! Modifications to the vehicle are undertaken at your own risk without warranty for any damages to transmission and drive train.
Product number:
Weight: 14,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
This fully synthetic axle drive oil with LS (limited slip) additives is designed for use in highly loaded axle drives and multi-plate limited slip differentials. 2 litres
Suitable for Discovery 3 & 4.
long oil change intervals thanks to excellent shear stability
best wear protection at highest load profiles
excellent cold flow behaviour
reduced gear noise due to minimised vibrations
oil should be stored under cover if possible.
in the case of unprotected storage outdoors without a roof, the oil should be stored horizontally to prevent water penetration and to maintain the legibility of the labelling.
do not store at temperatures above 60 °C
avoid direct sunlight or frost
4 complete wheels Defender Toyo Open Country M/T 255/85R16 on Dotz Dakar 7x16
4 complete wheels for Land Rover Defender, Toyo Open Country M/T 255/85R16 on Dotz Dakar Dark 7x16, mounted and balanced ready for use.Product info rims:Model: Dotz Dakar (silver) or Dotz Dakar Dark (black or bronze).Size: 7x16Bolt circle: 5x165,1 mmPress-in depth: offset 8A certificate is available for the rim, a registration with the offered tyre size is possible. If you have any questions, please contact us.Product info tyres:The Toyo Open Country MT is an off-road tyre with an aggressive tread design for excellent traction and best self-cleaning properties. The sidewall tread pattern protects against cuts and impacts and improves traction. The fine cuts in the blocks of the tread ensure increased grip in wet conditions, while steering stability is improved by a special carcass construction.Technical data tyres:Tyre size: 255/85R16Outer diameter: 851 mmTread depth: 15 mmLoad index: 123 (corresponds to 1,550 kg)Speed index: P (corresponds to 150 km/h)Tyre type: POR (no tyre label)PLEASE NOTE: This tyre has a P.O.R. marking ("PROFESSIONAL OFF ROAD").The tyre does not have an M+S marking. It is therefore not approved for use in winter road conditions (according to §2 paragraph 3a sentence 1 and 2 of the StVO). We recommend the use of winter tyres in appropriate weather conditions. We will be happy to advise you on this.
4 Kompletträder für Land Rover Defender, Toyo Open Country M/T 255/85R16 auf Wolf 6,5x16, betriebsfertig montiert und gewuchtet
Produktinfo Felgen:Modell: Wolf 6,5x16 (entspricht ANR4583)Größe: 6,5x16"Lochkreis: 5x165,1mmEinpreßtiefe: ET 20,6
Für die Felge ist ein Gutachten vorhanden, eine Eintragung mit der angebotenen Reifengröße ist möglich. Bei Fragen hierzu kontaktieren Sie uns bitte.
Produktinfo Reifen:Der Toyo Open Country MT ist ein Geländereifen, des agressives Profildesign für eine exzellente Traktion sorgen und beste Selbstreinigungseigenschaften aufweisen. Die Anordnung des Profils an der Seitenflanke schützt vor Schnitt- und Anprallverletzungen und verbessert die Traktionseigenschaften. Die feinen Einschnitte in den Blöcken des Profils stellen ein erhöhtes Haftvermögen bei Nässe sicher, während die Lenkstabilität durch eine spezielle Karkassenkonstruktion verbessert wird.
Technische Daten Reifen:Reifengröße: 255/85R16Außendurchmesser: 851 mmProfiltiefe: 15 mmLastindex: 123 (entspricht 1.550 kg)Speedindex: P (entspricht 150 km/h)Reifentyp: POR (kein Reifenlabel)
Wir empfehlen die Felgen für den Land Rover Defender bolzen- bzw. lochkreiszentriert zu wuchten.
BITTE BEACHTEN: Dieser Reifen trägt eine P.O.R. Kennzeichnung ("PROFESSIONAL OFF ROAD").Der Reifen verfügt über keine M+S Kennzeichnung. Er ist somit nicht für den Einsatz bei winterlichen Straßenverhältnissen zugelassen (gemäß §2 Absatz 3a Satz 1 und 2 der StVO). Wir empfehlen den Einsatz von Winterreifen bei entsprechender Witterung. Gerne beraten wir Sie hierzu.
5er Set Aluminium Alloy rim ZU 7x16 ET1
Aluminium Alloy rim ZU 7x16 ET11 offset, only 10.4kg - load weight 1.400kg - comes with TUV approval. Fits all Defender 90/110/130, Discovery 1, Range Rover Classic.
Standrad LR wheel nuts for alloy rims are needed!
Land Rover Defender rims (except the original rims) must be stud-centered.
The additional spring kit for the rear axle of the Land Rover Defender 110 and 130 increases the spring rate and thus minimises the effects of high payloads. The kit consists of 2 additional springs, 2 upper brackets and 2 lower brackets.
This kit is intended for vehicles that are permanently or predominantly driven with a high load. For vehicles that are driven with varying loads, we recommend the Progressive additional spring kit.
Delivery without expert opinion, registration by individual approval is possible.
Product number:
Weight: 5,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
AGR/EGR- closure plate for either the TD5- (- MY02) or the TDI-engine, to eliminate exhaust gas recirculation. Comes with the necessary bolts.
Motorsportequipment, not certified for road use.
AIR INTAKE / AIR INTAKE WOLF XD STYLE, year of construction 1994-2016
„Wolf“ Military Defenders see action in all climate zones and all kinds of environmental conditions. From the wet and cold in the north to the mud of the tropics and the sand and dust of the deserts. One specific modification for these extreme challenges can be spotted with the naked eye: the air intakes. When not equipped with snorkels, XD Landy-wolves feature raised air intakes, often on both sides, to keep water, mud and dust out of the intake system.
If you want to give your civilian Landy (with intake on the right) this military Wolf look, you can replace the standard grill with our Wolf XD Style Air Intake. This is not only a great visual upgrade to your Defender, but also protects your intake system from splash water, mud and dust. Due to its design, the Wolf Style intakes will already pre-filter a lot of unwanted stuff getting near your intake, especially when compared to the standard grills. So, if you’re aiming at an upgrade in design and performance, but don’t want to spend the 600 € or more for the hard-to-get original parts (ESR4570), the Wolf XD Style Air Intakes are the ones for you. For off-roaders with truly amphibious ambitions, who rather have water in the footwells than the intakes, we recommend our SN4 or SNX snorkels, of course.
Installing the Wolf Style Air Intake is really easy. The frame can be attached to the pre-existing screw holes. The intake itself and the gasket are then in turn attached to the frame. All fastening materials are included. Delivery: Frame, intake case, gasket, fastening material.
Will only fit Defenders with air intake on the RIGHT.
Please note: Depending on the year of manufacture, the hole pattern on the fender may not match the hole pattern of the retaining frame exactly and adjustment work may be necessary.
Air Ram Safari - Diameter 3 Zoll (76mm)
Safari snorkels are manufactured to the highest standards in durable, UV stable, cross linked polyethylene material, using stainless steel hardware where appropriate. Each system includes quality fixtures and fittings, which offer superior sealing, presentation and long-term durability.In arguably the best, if not toughest environment, Safari Snorkel Systems are thoroughly researched, tested and tooled for each model of Land Rover.The Safari Snorkel delivers a continuous and cooler supply of air for maximum engine performance. It is positively sealed as well to ensure the best protection against deep water crossings and dust.
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Over time, air springs become very susceptible to leaks, which is due to the outgassing of the plasticizers, the so-called drying out, of the rubber seals.
So why not upgrade the chassis with these top quality air springs?
Product number:
Weight: 4,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Aluminium Alloy rim ZU 7x16 ET11 offset, only 10.4 kg - load weight 1,400 kg - comes with TUV approval. Fits all Defender 90/110/130, Discovery 1, Range Rover Classic.
Standrad LR wheel nuts for alloy rims are needed!
Land Rover Defender rims (except the original rims) must be stud-centered.
Differentials are among the most important and heavily used mechanical parts and can make a huge difference in performance, especially once you leave the asphalt behind. This much is undisputed, but then the first question usually is whether you need proper lockers on the axles or at least limited slip diffs? Our answer: Unless you’re regularly punishing your Landy in heavy terrain and prefer it climbing over driving, a locker probably makes little sense for you. In ambitious everyday use, retro-fitting a Limited Slip Differential (LSD) like the Ashcroft ATB or the TrueTrac by Eaton will make a huge difference, though. For most drivers most of the time, limited slip diffs will be the best choice on-road, with varying surface and weather conditions, as well as off-road. But first some basics: in contrast to real lockers, which lock up your axle either electronically or pneumatically, LSDs work in the background all the time and not only if you switch them on. Moreover, there is no need for external input. They neutralize the torque differential on one axle gradually or in increments, whereas a real locker has only two states: either completely off or on. This in turn means that the LSD supports the driver continuously and unnoticeably on loose or slippery surfaces and can even beat lockers in certain tricky situations. Every seasoned off-roader will know this one: the vehicle is tilted sideways on slippery ground and the lower rear wheel with most of the load on a locked axle will pull the back of the vehicle violently sideways and downhill when you step on the gas pedal. Moreover, the enormous forces working on locked axles usually require re-enforcements to the drive train, if you want to avoid costly damages in such situations. The Ashcroft ATB LSD, available for Rover front axles (Defender 90/110/130) and rear (90) as well as for the P38 axle on 110/130, is of a Torsen Type 2 design, similar to the Eaton Truetrac, but with a slight difference. The engineers at Ashcroft are employing 6 instead of 3 pairs of helical gears parallel to the axle. The differential creates the necessary friction for torque compensation by pressing these helical gears to the sides of their pockets. Now, if you’re thinking metal on metal, there’s got to be loads of wear on these gears, you need not worry. Both the Ashcroft as well as the Eaton are designed to compensate for the wear and will be among the most long-lived movable parts in the car. One drawback inherent in this particular design is the fact that at least one wheel per axle has to have a load on it for the diff to engage. Pre-load springs on the Ashcroft minimize the effect. If you have both wheels spinning, simply engaging brakes and throttle simultaneously will initialize the torque compensation again. In cars with traction control, this effect is achieved electronically, by the way. The ATB LSD otherwise supports the traction control by multiplying its effects. Because of these characteristics inherent in the design a vehicle fitted with Ashcroft ATBs should never be brake-tested on rollers. The Ascroft ATB is reliable, quiet, supports traction control if fitted, needs little maintenance and improves both the driving characteristics and the power transmission, depending on your setup. It fits Rover and P38 axles (including fittings). ATB Torsen differential lock Salisbury is only suitable for Salisbury rear axles. For Salisbury axles, the Detroit Truetrac from Eaton is also recommended as an alternative.
Air Suspension Defender 90/110/130/Discovery I/ Range Rover Classic
These auxiliary air springs provide a more stable ride and noticeably improve the handling of the vehicle. Lateral roll of the vehicle is noticeably reduced. The air springs are inflated using the supplied hoses which are routed to an accessible location. A hand pump can be used for this purpose, as can a compressor, or they can simply be filled at the petrol station. They are available for Defender 90, Disovery U and Range Rover Classic or Defender 110 / 130.Supplied in pairs, the auxiliary air springs can be adjusted to suit all conceivable load and off-road conditions. Simply increase the air volume for increased load, or deflate for driving without additional load.The springs are made from durable and dimensionally stable polyurethane.Please select the vehicle.
Axle stop rubber for Land Rover Defender up to BJ 2016
Category: Axles and Suspension
Engines: All
Fuel: Diesel, Petrol
Premium range: ANR4188G: Yes / ANR4189: No
Transmission: Manual, Automatic
Specification NAS - North American Specification, NOT-NAS - Non North American Specification
Quality rating: 100
Drive Type: Drive Wheel 2WD - Two Wheel Drive, 4WD - Four Wheel Drive
Fits DEFENDER 1986 - 2006, DEFENDER 2007 AFTER, DISCOVERY 1 1989 - 1998 and RANGE ROVER CLASSIC.
Ball joint remover for steering column lever
For easy mounting/dismounting of the repair kit RBG000010 (formerly STC3295), the steering column lever now does not have to be laboriously dismantled.
Especially with heavy vehicles or those that are often heavily used off-road, the ball joint often fails. Play in the steering and thus more unstable driving behaviour are the result. Until now, the steering column lever / bell crank / steering arm had to be removed, especially on older vehicles this was often only possible with great effort. With this tool, only the ball joint is removed and a new one (from the repair kit RBG000010) is inserted.
Product number:
Weight: 1,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Complete wheel set BF Goodrich Mud Terrain T / A KM3 255 / 85R16 119Q on Wolf steel rims Goodrich Mud Terrain T/A KM3 255/85R16 119QThe off-road tire BFGoodrich Mud Terrain T / A KM3 is primarily intended for off-road use, it is less suitable for driving on paved roads. The tires of this type are characterized by a special tread, which is responsible for safety when driving off-road, as well as a reinforced construction. The MT tires are the best way out for drivers who need tires for mud and water when driving off-road and are not afraid of rocky slopes. The very deep grooves of the tread and the massive blocks make driving on these tires safe. Due to the wide gaps, the tire cleans itself up quickly, which makes driving easier on sand, for example. This typical terrain model is also reinforced so that drivers do not have to worry about the tire being destroyed when driving in difficult terrain. Available in:255/85 R16235/85 R16 click here LR WOLF Steel Wheel 6.5x16"- corresponds to part number ANR4583 PM- dimensions 6,5 x 16, offset 20,6TPMS sensor Alcar Plug & DriveTire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) or Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) are systems built into motor vehicles for the constant monitoring of tire pressure. A distinction is made between direct (measure the tire pressure with a sensor in the wheel) and indirect (measure via the vehicle's ABS sensors) systems. If a pressure loss occurs in one or more tires, the driver is informed of this directly on the display inside the vehicle. TPMS fulfill four functions: They increase driving safety through better grip, more stable steering behavior and shorter braking distances You avoid increased fuel consumption due to incorrect tire pressure They prevent increased tire wear caused by insufficient tire pressure They reduce CO² emissions through lower fuel consumption and longer tire life
Complete wheel set BF Goodrich Mud Terrain T / A KM3 235 / 85R16 119Q on Wolf steel rims
Goodrich Mud Terrain T/A KM3 235/85R16 119QThe off-road tire BFGoodrich Mud Terrain T / A KM3 is primarily intended for off-road use, it is less suitable for driving on paved roads. The tires of this type are characterized by a special tread, which is responsible for safety when driving off-road, as well as a reinforced construction. The MT tires are the best way out for drivers who need tires for mud and water when driving off-road and are not afraid of rocky slopes. The very deep grooves of the tread and the massive blocks make driving on these tires safe. Due to the wide gaps, the tire cleans itself up quickly, which makes driving easier on sand, for example. This typical terrain model is also reinforced so that drivers do not have to worry about the tire being destroyed when driving in difficult terrain.
Available in:
255/85 R16 click here.235/85 R16
LR WOLF Steel Wheel 6.5x16"- corresponds to part number ANR4583 PM- dimensions 6,5 x 16, offset 20,6
TPMS sensor Alcar Plug & DriveTire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) or Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) are systems built into motor vehicles for the constant monitoring of tire pressure. A distinction is made between direct (measure the tire pressure with a sensor in the wheel) and indirect (measure via the vehicle's ABS sensors) systems. If a pressure loss occurs in one or more tires, the driver is informed of this directly on the display inside the vehicle.
TPMS fulfill four functions:
They increase driving safety through better grip, more stable steering behavior and shorter braking distances
You avoid increased fuel consumption due to incorrect tire pressure
They prevent increased tire wear caused by insufficient tire pressure
They reduce CO² emissions through lower fuel consumption and longer tire life
Alloy wheel 7x16 "
for Land Rover Defender, Discovery 1 and Range Rover Classic
Technical specifications:
Width: 7 "Diameter: 16 "Press-in depth: 33 mmSilver
You can find suitable hubcaps here.