In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
13-poliger E-Satz für Land Rover Defender bis einschließlich MY98
- auch für andere Fahrzeuge geeignet.
Ein 13-poliger E-Satz bietet gegenüber einem klassischen 7-poligen E-Satz den Vorteil, dass mit einem solchen weitere Verbraucher versorgt werden können. Dies können Nebelschlussleuchten oder Rückfahrleuchten ebenso sein wie auch Einparkhilfen. Gerade das Jaeger Stecksystem hat sich dabei als eine feste Größe auf dem Markt etabliert und ist bei Heckträgern und Wohnanhängern nicht mehr wegzudenken. Die Vorteile eines 13-pligen E-Satzes liegen auf der Hand und rechtfertigen den minimal höheren Anschaffungspreis gegenüber einem 7-poligen E-Satz allemal.
Inklusive JAEGER AFC-Anhängersteuermodul zur automatischen Erhöhung der Blinkfrequenz.
Product number:
Weight: 2,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
7-poliger E-Satz für Land Rover Defender bis einschließlich MY98
- auch für andere Fahrzeuge geeignet.
Geeignet für Fahrzeuge ohne Check Control und Datenbus-System.
Im Lieferumfang sind alle für die Montage notwendigen Teile enthalten. Die Installation braucht nicht durch eine Fachwerkstatt freigeschltet werden!
Inklusive JAEGER AFC-Anhängersteuermodul zur Anpassung der Blinkfrequenz.
Product number:
Weight: 2,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
The adapter converts electircal signal from 7 point connectors to 13 point connectors or vice versa.
The assignment plan comes with each individual adapter, DIN ISO 1724 and DIN ISO 11446.
Please choose your desired option.
Up to 3.5 tons, with second safety bolt and safety split pin, the original bolt of the Dixon Bate is still used!
The hole distance from hole center to hole center are about 5 cm
Product number:
Weight: 3,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
The Dixon-Bate quick release allows for a quick switch between ballheads, while at the same time being height adjustable either up to 150 mm or up to 200 mm. Thanks to the Dixon-Bate system everything with a 90x45 mm hole pattern can be mounted, in various heights, behind your car, regardless of whether it's a ball head or something else.
Details:Hole Pattern: 90x45 mm M16 S Value: 350 kg D Value: 23.41 kN max. Towing Capacity: 3.500 kg
Thanks to the E-certificate, in Germany, this part can be added to your car without having to go through the TÜV. The quick release system is especially useful when using the Land Rover towing hitch step. The product ships including the needed hardware and an instruction manual. Please select one of the options from the drop-down menu.
Ball head towing hitch
This combined trailer coupling can be used for tow ball couplings with Ø 50 mm ball head and for drawbar couplings. The ball head towbar is designed for a maximum drawbar load of 250 kg. The scope of delivery includes the combination coupling and two cotter pins with suitable fastening. The mounting plate is not included in the scope of delivery.Technical data:Material: steelE-approval mark: E11Support load (S): 250 kgD-value: 17 kNMax. load: 3.500 kgDimensions: Length: approx. 195 mm; Width: approx. 130 mm; Height: approx. 180 mmDistance between mounting holes: 90 mm
Product number:
Weight: 4,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Whoever has tried to attach a bike rack to the hitch of their Defender knows this problem: the spare tire is in the way! This is where this adapter comes in. It attaches to the usual Dixon-Bate rail and thus moves the mounting spot about 30 cm further back, clearing most spare tires. Contents of shipment: Adapter for Dixon-Bate (30 cm) 1x Ball head for mounting the rack or tub 1x safety pin for the hitch hardware Two safety pins are required for the correct installment of this adapter, one comes with the hitch itself and the other with this adapter. Should your Hitch not have shipped with such a pin, you can order one here. The Adapter can for technical reasons NOT be used for regular towing! It can only be used for bike racks, game tubs and similar carrying systems.
Product number:
Weight: 7,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Combined Dixon-Bate coupling for 50mm ball head and towing eye with 25 mm pin coupling, up to 3.5 tons, similar to Land Rover RTC8159
With E-mark (E11), drawbar load up to 250 kg, D-value 17 kN, 90 mm hole spacing, incl. locking pin
Delivery without fixing material, please observe the manufacturer's instructions for mounting!
Product number:
Weight: 4,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Dixon-Bate NATO coupling with E-approval mark
suitable for numerous 4x4 vehicles. Rotatable and lockable, for fixed mounting on the vehicle. The coupling has an E-mark and can therefore be used without registration.
Delivery without mounting material, please observe the manufacturer's instructions for mounting!
Product number:
Weight: 12,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
GDW hitch bracket with 13-pin Erich Jaeger E set
The New Defender L663 (from MY 2019) is not only an extraordinary off-road vehicle, it also packs a remarkable punch. The wide variety of engines from Diesel and petrol to PHEV deliver between 200 and 525 HP and 400 to 650 Nm torque. Its power makes the new Landy the ultimate towing vehicle up to 3.5t towing capacity.
And the fact, that the trailer hitch – whether detachable or electrically deployable – has to be ordered as an extra, is not really a disadvantage. When configuring your New Defender it’s probably best to skip this feature and get a heavy duty towbar like the one from GDW with its 13-pin electric connector kit by Erich Jaeger.
The advantages of the GDW trailer hitch are obvious: A 4-bolt mounting plate will fit the included towball hitch but also any other type of coupling, the GDW coupling block comes at a much more competitive price than the OEM parts. Installation and road use do not need to be technically certified, by the way.
The GDW towbar was custom-designed specifically for the New Defender. It comes with detailed assembly instructions and a complete electrics kit. Installing the towbar will take approximately 3 hours.
Please note:The GDW towbar may interfere with the sensors of the vehicle’s parking aid. If you rely on this system, you should use the original tow bar.
Maximum towing: 3,5 t
Maximum vertical load: 210 kg (the maximum drawbar load is specified by the vehicle manufacturer and can be found in the vehicle documents)
The set contains different fixings to attach the interior door trim on Land Rover Defender vehicles. One set contains enough fixings for one side door.
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Land Rover rear bumper / trailer hitch / rear step for Defender 110
With E-mark, for mounting a ball head, E-set and ball head not included, compatible with Nakatanenga spare wheel carrier.The article fits all Defender 110 from MY 1999 TD5.
Land Rover rear bumper / tow bar / rear step for Defender 90
Rear bumper, for Land Rover Defender 90, with E-mark, for mounting a ball head, E-set and ball head not included, compatible with Nakatanenga spare wheel carrier.Suitable for Land Rover Defender up to MY2016
Nakatanenga adapter for hitch-mounted racks for bikes and other sports gear
Hitch-mounted racks for bikes and other sports gear are fantastic, if you are using your bikes only off and on or once a year on your annual holiday trip. No cumbersome attachment to the roof rails or the trunk needed: simply lock it onto your car’s standard ball hitch when you need to and hey presto off you go. Theoretically, that is, because for most 4x4 owners, the rear-mounted spare wheel will usually be in the way of a regular hitch-mounted bike rack. But that’s where Nakatanenga comes in.Our premium quick-release adapter extends your existing ball hitch by 25 cm, enough to reach beyond most spare wheels. The adapter locks onto the ball hitch quickly, securely and can also be padlocked. We advise to take careful measurements before ordering, so that you can be sure the 25 cm extension is sufficient for your individual set-up. Please also verify that you have enough space for the quick-release locking handle on the right side of the hitch. Your existing trailer hitch has to clear any obstructions like bumper indentations or the like for the handle to be operational. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need more information.With a maximum load of 120 kg, the hitch-mounted adapter is ideal for standard bike racks, cargo carriers, tubs, baskets etc. Since we sometimes receive enquiries regarding the validity of the maximum load, we would like to emphasize – as the manufacturer – that the specified load applies to the entire adapter and has been thoroughly tested and evaluated for stability and road safety. Separately available single components may differ in their capacity, this however does not affect the maximum load of the adapter as a unit.
Please check the individual road safety regulations and legal requirements for your country when mounting the adapter.CAUTION!For technical and legal reasons, the use of the adapter with a trailer is PROHIBITED.
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Product number:
Weight: 7,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Hitch-mounted racks for bikes and other sports gear are fantastic, if you are using your bikes only off and on or once a year on your annual holiday trip. No cumbersome attachment to the roof rails or the trunk needed: simply lock it onto your car’s standard ball hitch when you need to and hey presto, off you go. Theoretically, that is, because for most 4x4 owners, the rear-mounted spare wheel will usually be in the way of a regular hitch-mounted bike rack. But that’s where Nakatanenga comes in.As an alternative to our lever operated quick-release adapter, we also provide an adapter that can be screwed onto the existing ball hitch. The extension you gain is the same as with the other adapter: 25 cm to the back. It will take a little bit longer to attach or detach the screw-on version, of course, but it has the big advantage that there’s no lever in the way if you have little space around your trailer hitch. You also don’t have to secure it with a padlock since there’s hardly any worry about theft en route. So, if the quick-release adaptor is not for you because you want to mount a smaller or permanent adapter, this screw-on solution is the one for you. With a maximum load of 120 kg, the hitch-mounted adapter is ideal for standard bike racks, cargo carriers, tubs, baskets etc. Please check the individual road safety regulations and legal requirements for your country when mounting the adapter.
CAUTION!For technical and legal reasons, the use of the adapter with a trailer is PROHIBITED.
The adapter shifts the ball hitch 25 cm backwards
Please note:
You need a 24 mm wrench / socket to fasten it (not included!)Check regularly !!Note the drawbar load !!
Replacement lever for trailer coupling KNB500070
Replacement lever for trailer hitch KNB500070 for Land Rover Discovery 3/4 and Range Rover Sport.Delivery incl. lock
Rockinger compact coupling 40mm, 100x150mm jaw size
For 40 mm DIN 74054 ring towing eyes, with E-approval mark, mounting hole pattern 85x45 mm (suitable for most rear cross members or standard AHK trestles).Rockinger article RO243A12000