Suspension setup for Defender, Jeep and other off-road vehicles
Depending on driving style, wish for comfort, load capacity and weight, many 4x4 enthusiasts want to modify their suspension according to their needs. An individually customized suspension setup makes sure that your vehicle sits nicely on the road, has optimum suspension and neither shocks nor dampers suffer from overuse.
Optimising axle travel
For more stability and safe off-road progress it is essential that if possible all wheels have constant surface contact. Especially in uneven terrain standard axle travel is often not sufficient. Our suspension solutions make sure that the wheels keep ground contact for as long as possible also in difficult terrain. This way you can get the most out of your 4x4 drivetrain and won't get stuck.
Raising or lowering off-road vehicle suspension
Raised suspension provides better ground clearance and thus minimizes the possibility of ground contact in addition to better axle articulation. To prevent getting stuck by driving onto an obstacle, we recommend to fit raised suspension and longer dampers to increase the distance of the vehicle underbody and the ground you are driving on. This way also larger obstacles can be crossed without damaging your vehicle.
Those, however, who rarely travel on uneven terrain and wish for better on-road handling in modern traffic might want to lower their off-road vehicle. For safe road handling it is advisable to lower the centre of gravity by fitting lowering kits. If, for example, you are lacking just that centimetre to fit your Defender into the garage, lowering the vehicle can be the solution.
RTC: Return to Center steering damper
Travelling comfort when driving off the road can be improved by fitting a steering damper that itself returns to the center postion. Such dampers automatically push the wheels in a straight position (return to center). Those owners who drive off the beaten track or on very uneven roads, or those with larger than standard tyre and wheel combinations, benefit the most from spring-assisted RTC steering dampers. Our return-to-center steering dampers give excellent damping so that uneven driving terrain is transmitted to the steering at a much lesser degree.
Air Suspension: more driving dynamics and travelling comfort thanks to air suspension
Besides classic suspension setups consisting of spring and hydraulic damper, air suspension is becoming more and more popular. There are various advantages that air suspension can offer, such as improved driving dynamics, constant driving level and superior comfort. Improved road handling means improved security and stability, preventing driving at dangerous angles. Especially with off-road vehicles that are often used in rough conditions it is important that the suspension is set up according to the overall weight. While classic suspension setups mean that the whole suspension sags continuously the more weight they have to carry, thus affecting handling negatively, air suspension systems can be adjusted individually to the additional weight. In addition the riding level of the vehicle can be changed by the press of a button, depending on personal preference or by presets. Improved ground clearance allows the crossing of severe terrain without risking damage to the underside of your vehicle.
In addition to individual planning and fitting of your suspension system, we also provide TUV approval and registration of the suspension systems we offer.