In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Alloy wheel for Suzuki Jimny 2 GJ/HJ High Peak J-02, 6x15, offset: -5
After the great response to the J-01 wheel, we wanted to do something different with the second original design.
We present you the HIGH PEAK J-02. While the J-01 offers a classic design with a deep lip, the J-02 features a concave seven-spoke design reminiscent of off-road motorsport.
Specifically designed for the Suzuki Jimny JB74 (2018+, designated as 'GJ' & 'HJ' in the EU).
TÜV type approved and strength tested.
Also compatible with JB43 (1998-2018) models.
Made in Italy.
Guaranteed European quality
Bolt-on mounting with standard or raised chassis.
No additional modifications required (depending on tyre size).
Diameter : 15Width : 6OFFSET : -5Bore / PCD : 5x139.7Finish : matt black, anthracite, matt bronze or vintage whiteWeight : 9.2kgVehicle : Suzuki Jimny II GJ/HJ
If you need a complete wheel set, please contact us by e-mail or : +49 9181 466 644
Wheel set Dotz Dakar Steel Rim and BFGoodrich All Terrain Tire A bigger footprint with Dotz Dakar Steel Rims and BFGoodrich All Terrain tires not only suits Defenders, G-Wagons etc. but also the Jimny II GJ HJ, turning tiny Jimny into Big Jim. The fact that the Dotz Dakar has become a classic for all kinds of 4x4‘s is no accident. The steel rim with its timeless design and its high-quality manufacture is tough to beat when it comes to performance, be it a Sahara rally or a weekend trip. Dotz 4x4 designed this rim to be hardwearing and robust above everything else. Whenever the Dakar is released as a new vehicle, you can be sure it has undergone the most rigorous testing regime, giving you the highest quality and extreme durability. The Dotz Dakar is quickly cleaned by hand or pressure washer and due to its special finish it will be very easy on the eye for a long time – something that can’t be said of many steel rims. We are introducing the Dakar’s off-road performance and its classic look now also for the Jimny II GJ HJ and offer the rim with sizes 7x16” with an offset of 0 mil. A great rim needs an equally great tire and with the BFGoodrich All Terrain there’s no doubt that it’ll be up to the challenge. As a proven all-season multi-purpose tire, the latest T/A KO2 generation boasts even more improvements and better test results over its predecessor: the tire’s sidewalls are 20% more robust, durability doubles on gravel and adds another 15% on asphalt. Traction is also improved with an increase of 10% and 19% for slush/mud and snow, respectively. As far as the look is concerned the tire can be mounted with the white print to the in- or the outside. Certification documents are included. The wheel sets are available with or without spare wheel. The tire is suitable and permitted for winter use. Size:Rim 7 x 16" / ET 0.0 Silver wie tire size 225/75R16*Rim 7 x 15" / ET 0.0 Silver with tire size 215/65R16 * Required Modifications for 16” Wheel Set This wheel set size requires a suspension raising kit. The speedometer requires a ratio adapter. The wheel arch covers need to be adapted. Please let us know when ordering whether the white lettering is to be mounted inside or outside.
Dotz Dakar Steel Rim
The fact that the Dotz Dakar has become a classic for all kinds of 4x4‘s is no accident. The steel rim with its timeless design and its high-quality manufacture is tough to beat when it comes to performance, be it a Sahara rally or a weekend trip. Dotz 4x4 designed this rim to be hardwearing and robust above everything else. Whenever the Dakar is released for a new vehicle, you can be sure it has undergone the most rigorous testing regime, giving you the highest quality and extreme durability. The Dotz Dakar is quickly cleaned by hand or pressure washer and due to its special finish it will be very easy on the eye for a long time – something that can’t be said of many steel rims.
We are introducing the Dakar’s off-road performance and its classic look now also for the Jimny II GJ HJ and offer the rim in two sizes: as 7x16” or 6x15” with an offset of 0 mil. The larger 16” wheel rims are available in silver, the smaller 15” ones are available in both silver and Dakar Dark, which is to say glossy black – a premium look for any 4x4.
The Dakar’s style not only suits Defenders, G-Wagons etc. but also the Jimny II GJ HJ, turning tiny Jimny into Big Jim.
Including certification documents.
Size:7 x 16" / ET 0.0 Silver6 x 15" / ET 0.0 Silver or glossy black
Einbauset Suzuki Jimny GJ / HJ mit Nolden 90 mm Kombileuchten Nebelscheinwerfer/Tagfahrlicht Gerade bei hart arbeitenden Geländewagen wie dem Suzuki Jimny GJ lohnt sich der komplette oder teilweise Umbau auf LED-Scheinwerfer und -Lampen: Die bringen in der Regel bessere Lichtleistung, geringere Anfälligkeit und längere Lebensdauer mit sich. Mit unserem kompletten Einbausatz bestehend aus Nolden 90 mm LED-Kombileuchten für Tagfahrlicht und Nebelscheinwerfer und dem passenden Adapterkabel, gehören durchgebrannte, korrodierte oder gebrochene Glühlampen der Vergangenheit an. Die Nolden Kombileuchten vereinen in einem hochwertigen Chromgehäuse sowohl einen Tagfahr-Leuchtenring in Lichtleiter-Technologie als auch einen LED-Nebelscheinwerfer. Nolden verbaut qualitativ hochwertige LEDs von Osram, die obendrein mit 8,1 W für die Tagfahrleuchte und 8,8 W für den Nebelscheinwerfer auch äußerst sparsam sind. Der Einbau der LEDs ist denkbar einfach, die passenden Adapter-Kabel von PS13W-Buchse auf AMP-Superseal-Stecker für die Tagfahrlichter liegen bei. Die Nebelscheinwerfer sind Plug & Play. Wer nur die Adapterkabel benötigt, findet sie hier. Das komplette Einbau-Kit bestehend aus zwei Adapterkabeln und einem Satz Nolden 90 mm LED-Kombileuchten Tagfahrlicht/Nebelscheinwerfer. Lieferumfang:1 x Paar Nolden 90 mm LED Tagfahr-/Nebelleuchten ChromAdapter:2 Stück PS13W-Buchse 2-polig auf AMP-Superseal-Stecker 3-polig. Hinweis: Die Scheinwerfer passen auch bei diversen Subaru Modellen (unter anderem Subaru Levorg), die werksmäßig mit 90mm Kombi-Scheinwerfern (Nebel- und Tagfahrlicht) ausgestattet sind. Je nach Fahrzeug kann es ggf. notwendig sein, dass die Plus und Minus Leitung am Kabelstrang für das Tagfahrlicht umgepint werden muss (am einfachsten möglich am Superseal Stecker).
Highflow sports air filter for Suzuki Jimny2 (GJ)
Since the combustion engine is basically an air pump - air is sucked in at one end, then burned as a fuel mixture and expelled again at the other end - it benefits when not only individual components are optimized, but the entire system. In addition to chip tuning, which optimizes combustion, the air intake and exhaust system should also be optimized - i.e. tuned - as this is the only way to achieve optimum results and make the most of investments. As is so often the case, the whole is more than the sum of its parts. One of the simplest and cheapest options here is to replace the original air filter with a model with increased air flow.
K&N is the inventor and manufacturer of the original when it comes to washable and reusable high-performance air filters. Each air filter is designed for increased performance and a lifetime of durability. The filtering effect remains intact over the entire period. K&N offers a 1,600,000 km warranty on every air filter (filter frame and filter media) in addition to the statutory warranty. Cleaning the K&N air filter is usually not necessary before 80,000 km. You too can rely on the 35 years of experience of the market leader in performance air filters!
We offer air filters for almost all cars and off-road vehicles. Buy a K&N and experience the difference:
1,600,000 km warranty. This warranty is independent of the existing free statutory warranty rights. The statutory warranty rights are not restricted by this warranty.
performance-enhancing - the higher air flow rate leads to improved acceleration/draft
economical: a K&N air filter lasts for the entire service life of your car, motorcycle or off-road vehicle
Motorsport proven - number 1 in motorsport worldwide
Cotton, washable
Up to 40% more air flow
Saves maintenance costs - no need to buy a new expensive factory paper filter at every inspection
Environmentally friendly - its long service life reduces waste and protects trees
Cleaning usually only necessary every 80,000 km
No more filter changes - the oil-impregnated cotton fabric of the filter ensures a maintenance-free service life, during which the filter only needs to be cleaned and re-oiled from time to time. The filter only needs to be cleaned when a 2-3 mm thick layer of dirt has formed on the filter material.
To clean your K&N sports air filter, please only use the K&N cleaning kit provided for this purpose.
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Lifting suspension TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny I Type FJ|the lifting is approx. 55 millimetres
SUPPLY: 1-SUJIF1.1 BILSTEIN - not hardness adjustable - very tight tuning
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R
2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, B6 not adjustable, Made by BILSTEIN
2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, B6 not adjustable, Made by BILSTEIN
4 pieces TREKFINDER steel braided brake line, stainless steel & protective jacket, Made by ZF/LUCAS GIRLING
1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
SUPPLY 1-SUJIF1.2: KONI - height adjustable - comfortable to very tight tuning possible
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R
2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, heavy track 5-way adjustable, Made by KONI
2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, Heavy Track 5-way adjustable, Made by KONI
4 pieces TREKFINDER steel braided brake line, stainless steel & protective jacket, Made by ZF/LUCAS GIRLING
1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
Info KONI:
The suspension or dampers are delivered from the factory in the most comfortable damper setting ( open ).
Ideal for vehicles that are driven daily on and off the road without additional weights.
Fine damping of bumps, asphalt edges, holes, curbs etc. WITHOUT being spongy. WITHOUT being spongy!
For applications and wishes that make a harder shock absorber sensible (e.g. roof rack, cable winch, camping equipment etc.), 5 hardness levels are available with the KONI shock absorber in order to be able to individually tighten the shock absorber! The levels are clearly noticeable when driving. In our opinion, there is a suitable set-up for every application.
OPTIONAL additionally available:- for level compensation and can be mounted once per spring, the TREKFINDER spring spacer rings 10 mm with Art. No. 1-FDR10- the reinforced steering damper from TREKFINDER with the Art. No. 1-SUJILD.1
Lifting suspension TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny II type GJ from 10/2018 / HJ - the lifting is about 40-50 millimeters.
Suitable for model / vehicles:Jimny type GJ from 2018 > / HJdepending on variant: with / without installed cable winch in front depending on variant: with / without steel braided brake line setwith or without LED light with manual transmissionwith automatic transmissionwith 1,5 L engine 75 Kwwith axle loads VA 680 Kg / HA 880 Kgwith ABE-EG number: e6*2007/46*0253*.. oder e6*2007/46*0515*..
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, progressive wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®4 pieces TREKFINDER steel braided brake line, stainless steel & protective jacket, Made by LUCAS GIRLING®1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit for models with LED headlight1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, linear wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®4 pieces TREKFINDER steel braided brake line, stainless steel & protective jacket, Made by LUCAS GIRLING®1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit for models with LED headlight1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, progressive wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit for models with LED headlights1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring front axle, linear wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER coil spring rear axle, progressively wound, Made by H&R®.2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber front axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®2 pieces TREKFINDER shock absorber rear axle, monotube gas pressure B6, Made by BILSTEIN®1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit for models with LED headlights1 piece TREKFINDER TÜV® parts certificate
Translated with (free version)
POWERspec Suzuki Jimny 1.3 MY1998-2018, Clutch Kit
The POWERspec is the next stage up, ideal if you use your Jimny as a work horse. If you tow regularly or carry any extra weight like expedition trucks do then this is the spec for you. It’ll handle highly tuned road monsters or hard worked off-roaders all day long. If you want reliability and drivability from your mapped motor the POWERspec will keep you moving forward! (Pedal Weight not noticeably Heavier than original)
Perfect for vehicles with a Stage2 map/ Heavy Towing/ Off-roading
1x LOF HD Drive plate, fitted with Woven organic 0.4μ high friction Coefficient
1x LOF HD POWERspec clutch cover, +40% Clamp load over original
1x LOF HD release bearing
6x Clutch cover bolts, coated in loctite
1x Jimny Pilot/ spigot bearing
1x Clutch alignment tool from LOF
10ml Spline assembly grease
2 year LOF Warranty
LOF Clutches ROADspec Suzuki Jimny 1.3 MY1998-2018, Clutch Kit
The ROADspec is designed specifically for your Daily road going truck. If you do a bit of towing now and then, perhaps some light green laning or just use your truck as your commuter then the ROADspec has everything you need to keep you going for years to come. It’ll even take mildly tuned motors that have a little extra poke than standard! (Pedal Weight not significantly Heavier than original)
DescriptionPerfect for vehicles with a Stage1 map/ Towing
1x LOF HD Drive plate, fitted with Woven organic friction
1x LOF HD ROADspec clutch cover, +20% Clamp load over original
1x LOF HD release bearing
6x Clutch cover bolts, coated in loctite
1x Suzuki Pilot/ spigot bearing
1x Clutch alignment tool from LOF
10ml Spline assembly grease
2 year LOF Warranty
Montagepauschale für die Nakatanenga CargoBear in unserem Hause.
Der Einbau erfolgt zum angegebenen Fixpreis, unabhängig von der Dauer.
Bitte beachten: Der Preis bezieht sich nur auf die Montagepauschale, die zu montierende Ware ist separat zu erwerben.
Bitte geben Sie bei der Bestellung Ihre Telefonnummer für die notwendige Terminabsprache mit an. Die Montage ist nur vor Ort in Berg bei Neumarkt (Postleitzahl: 92348) möglich.
Parts certificate TREKINDER for tyre conversion SUZUKI Jimmy II type GJ/HJ with aluminium rim/steel wheel 15 x 5.5 to tyre size 215/75R15 or 205/75R15 or 215/70R15
With this TÜV® parts certificate, you can easily fit the tyre sizes mentioned and have them registered by a test centre
for Jimny II models type HJ with ABE-EG number: e6*2007/46*0515*.
a speedometer check or new setting is required (on our Jimny the speedometer fitted with Goodrich AT)
1 TÜV® parts certificate is delivered as a document with the parcel service ( insured shipping )
only 1 part certificate will be delivered, NO tyres, NO rims etc. !
the illustrations/photos in the webshop serve exclusively as a visual aid for a 215/75R15 tyre on the original Jimny aluminium or steel rim, no tyres are included in the scope of delivery.
the use of snow chains is not permitted !
there is NO brand binding for the tyres !
NO additional mudguard extensions are required !
it is NOT possible to send the certificate by e-mail or fax !
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
POWERspec Suzuki Jimny GEN2 1.5L, from MY 2018, clutch kit
The POWERspec is the next stage up, ideal if you use your Jimny as a work horse. If you tow regularly or carry any extra weight like expedition trucks do then this is the spec for you. It’ll handle highly tuned road monsters or hard worked off-roaders all day long. If you want reliability and drivability from your mapped motor the POWERspec will keep you moving forward! (Pedal Weight not noticeably Heavier than original)
Perfect for vehicles with a Stage2 map/ Heavy Towing/ Off-roading
1x LOF HD Drive plate, fitted with Woven organic 0.4μ high friction Coefficient
1x LOF HD POWERspec clutch cover, +40% Clamp load over original
1x LOF HD release bearing
6x Clutch cover bolts, coated in loctite
1x Jimny Pilot/ spigot bearing
1x Clutch alignment tool from LOF
10ml Spline assembly grease
2 year LOF Warranty
Spring Spacer Ring/ Trim Packer/ Lifting Ring TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny I & II + 10 Millimeter in colour red - for levelling at the front or/and rear axle.
Suitable for all Jimny models at the front and rear axle:
Jimny II type GJ & HJ as of MY 2018
Jimny I type FJ until MY 2018
for the front axle spring
for the rear axle spring
10 millimetre height adjustment
1 piece TREKFINDER polyurethane spring distance ring with marking TREKFINDER logo + FDR10 in colour red.
The spacer rings are listed in the TÜV® parts certificate for our TREKFINDER Jimny II complete suspension 40 mm and Jimny I suspension 55 mm and can therefore be optionally installed 1x per spring.A general TÜV® parts certificate is not available or is NOT included in the scope of delivery.
The installation is carried out between the upper end of the spring and the spring plate.
Make sure that the brake line is long enough
Make sure that the shock absorber is long enough.
Check the headlight setting.
The permissible height of the coupling ball must be observed.
If there is a load-dependent headlight adjustment, e.g. for LED lights, this must be checked and, if necessary, adjusted or changed/extended.
If a new measurement or calibration of the sensors of the driver assistance system is necessary due to the changed vehicle geometry of the vehicle, this must be carried out according to the specifications of the vehicle manufacturer.
For vehicles with load-dependent brake pressure regulator, this must be readjusted to the empty level (according to the vehicle manufacturer's specifications).
After retrofitting, the axle geometry of the vehicle must be measured and, if necessary, corrected according to the vehicle manufacturer's specifications.
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Steering damper kit TREKFINDER for Suzuki Jimny I type FJ until 2018
the mounting of the steering damper is done on the frame and the tie rod, by means of special heavy duty mounting kits, with conceivably easy installation
drilling, welding, deburring, painting etc. is NOT necessary for the installation of our steering damper
optimal angle of attack to the steering rod by mounting with frame kit and at rotatable track rod angle, NO mounting at the thin gusset plate of the towing lug
direct response due to the high stiffness of both mounting kits, no "bending" or "turning" as with other mounting points e.g. towing lug plate etc.
very well suitable for Jimny`s WITH and WITHOUT height or lowering
suitable for ALL Jimny I models (gasoline + diesel and 2/4WD) below in the text the models/the area of application are still separately specified (see KFZ certificate)
the Foam Cell technology in the twin-tube damper with 35 mm piston rod and maximum volume, prevents the mixing of gas molecules in the oil, guarantees a long life and a perfect performance in ON- u. OFFROAD OPERATION
track adjustment is NOT required after installation
fits in combination with ALL engine and underride guards known to us
1 piece TREKFINDER steering damper/foam cell1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit steering rod/galvanized1 piece TREKFINDER mounting kit frame/galvanized1 piece installation and assembly instructions1 piece TÜV® parts certificate
The following area of application is listed in the parts certificate:
Vehicle manufacturer: SUZUKI ( J ) Jimny / SANTANA ( E ) Jimny ConvertibleVehicle type: FJTrade name: Jimny / Jimny CabrioEC TG No.: e6*XXXX/XXX*0056*.. / e9*XXXX/XXX*0034*..
Steering damper reinforced TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny II from 2018 type GJ & HJ
reliably reduces, prevents and eliminates steering wheel vibrations in/on your Jimny
if all attempts and efforts such as balancing the wheels, adjusting the toe, correcting the caster, replacing the wheel and steering knuckle bearings, etc. have not been successful........this steering damper will certainly help you :)
the installation of the steering damper is very easy and plug and play, the standard damper is simply replaced, the new steering damper fits to the standard mounting points.
drilling, welding, deburring, painting etc. is NOT necessary for the installation of our steering damper
very suitable for Jimny's WITH and WITHOUT lowering or raising the vehicle
the Foam Cell technology in the twin-tube damper with 35 mm piston rod and maximum volume prevents the mixing of gas molecules in the oil, guarantees a long service life and perfect performance in ON- and OFFROAD OPERATION
track adjustment is NOT necessary after assembly
1 piece TREKFINDER steering damper/Foam Cell Technology
Product number:
Weight: 3,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Suzuki Jimny GJ / HJ Adapter cable PS13W to Superseal 3-pin Hard-working 4x4s like the Suzuki Jimny GJ / HJ benefit greatly from partial or complete conversion to LED lamps and lights: as a rule, LEDs tend to shine brighter while using less energy, are not as prone to failure and last longer than bulbs. If you want to customize your Jimny GJ / HJ with combined LED daytime running and fog lights, e.g. Nolden 90 mm LEDs, you will need 2-pin PS13W socket to 3-pin AMP-Superseal plug adapter cables to connect the daytime lights. The fog lamps are plug & play. The complete installation kit consisting of two adapter cables and one pair of Nolden LED daytime running/fog lights in chrome housing can be found here. Adapter:2-pin PS13W socket to 3-pin AMP-Superseal plug.
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Trailing arm hanger kit TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny I type FJ up to year of construction 2018
for the trailing arms at the attachment to the front axle
for correction and optimisation of the caster angle
recommended for suspensions from 3 cm of height increase
4 bushings with eccentric bore vulcanised in rubber
Trailing arm hanger kit TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny II Type GJ & HJ from MY 2018 onwards
for the trailing arms at the attachment to the front axle
for correction/optimisation of the caster angle
recommended for suspensions from 3 cm height adjustment onwards
4 bushings with eccentric bore vulcanised in rubber
Underride protection for SUZUKI Jimny type FJ MY 1998 to 2018 transferbox by TREKFINDER made of 8mm aluminium
Underride protection TREKFINDER Heavy Duty for Suzuki Jimny transferbox (fits all Jimny models type FJ year of construction 1998 to 2018 (NOT from 2018 type GJ)) - incl. plug and switch protection made of 8 millimetre aluminium - super stable and flat design.ATTENTION: in Jimny models, transfer case mountings of different heights are installed ex works, it may be that you have to underlay the underride protection on both sides with washers - this individual adjustment allows minimum distance to the VTG - this in turn means optimum ground clearance off-road and is a technical advantage!The underride protection is mounted at the original points - no drilling is required.
Underride protection kit TREKFINDER for SUZUKI Jimny 2 type GJ and HJ 5-piece
suitable for all Jimny models of the type GJ built from the end of 2018, Typ HJ
suitable for all engine and transmission types
including all mounting parts
attachment to original points of the vehicle
super stable and flat heavy duty versions
underride protection linkage 5 mm anodised aluminum
underrun protection axle tube / differential front axle 5 mm galvanized steel
underride protection transfer case 8 mm aluminum
underride protection exhaust gas control system 3 mm galvanized steel
underrun protection axle tube / differential rear axle 5 mm galvanized steel
suitable for all Jimny models of the type GJ built from the end of 2018 and Type HJ
suitable for all engine and transmission types
from 3 millimeters of steel
yellow galvanized
including all mounting parts
attachment to original points of the vehicle
Wheel spacer for SUZUKI Jimny II
Suitable for Jimny II type GJ from model 2018 and type HJ
Only the following wheel/tyre combination is listed in the parts certificate:
Wheel spacer from TREKFINDER 44 mm for 2 axles:195/80R15 + 205/75 and 215/75R15
Wheel spacer from TREKFINDER 50 mm for 2 axles:195/80R15 + 205/75 and 215/75R15
Wheel spacers from TREKFINDER 56 mm for 2 axles195/80 + 205/75 and 215/75R15
The Trekfinder 56 mm wheel spacer for 2 axles is available with and without mudguard widening.
Colour: Trekfinder: silver aluminium