In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
LED Signalleuchte Land Rover Defender bis MY2016: Blinker hinten/vorne, rauchgrau Dieser qualitativ hochwertige LED Blinker ist für den Land Rover Defender geeignet und ist als vorderer und als hinterer Blinker erhältlich.Er verfügt über ein E-Prüfzeichen, einen Durchmesser von 73 mm und besticht durch die einzigartige rauchgraue Farbe. Geeignet für Land Rover Defender bis MY2016 Für diese Blinker benötigen Sie unser vierpoliges Blinkrelais, das zusätzlich das Feature bietet, die Blinkgeschwindigkeit selbst einstellen zu können. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Schrauben dürfen nicht zu fest angezogen werden (nur handfest!), da sonst das Kunststoffgehäuse Risse bekommen kann. Durch diese Risse könnte Wasser in die generell wasserdichten Leuchten eindringen. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich einen Schraubenzieher und KEINEN Akkuschrauber!
The four-pole relay for LED indicators prevents too fast blinking and allows to set its blink rate. It is replaced with the preinstalled relay of the Land Rover Defender 90/110/130.
Product number:
Weight: 0,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Our LED licence plate light for Land Rover Defender 90/110/130 looks like the original item with all the benefits of LED technology:
whiter and brighter than halogen bulbs
little current drain (only 0.5 W), generates little heat
insensitive to vibrations, especially interesting for diesel powered cars!
superior longevity
large voltage range - 9-33 V
The light is E-marked for legal use (corresponding to ECE regulation no. 4). It's water and dustresistant to IP67 and is fitted using the existing M5 screws. All fittign material is supplied, so fitting only takes a few minutes.
This high-quality LED position light is for the Land Rover Defender.
It has an E-mark, a diameter of 73 mm and impresses with the unique smoke grey color.
Please note that you can also purchase the position light with additional signal lights as a bundle with a price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender.
Please note:
The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.
Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED rear fog lamp for Land Rover Defender, single
95 mm diameter
waterproof to IP67
With E-mark and mounting material
until MY2016
Ready to plug in with SuperSeal 2-pin plug
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, 1x AMR3850 mounting base is required per lamp to mount the new round rear fog lamp. As a rule, the original drill holes can then be used.
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Not only for healights, but also for all other signal lights on the vehicle LED bulbs have many advantages, apart from low power consumption and high light output, there is above all superior longevity and vibration resitance that make these bulbs desirable for owners of off-road vehicles. The standard-set with 8 bulbs contains: 2x front indicatior ligths 2x front position lights, either with or without day-driving light 2x rear indicators 2x brake/rear lights adjustable indicator relay The set with 9 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains: 1x tailgate break light The sets with 10 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contain: → 1x fog light and 1x reverse light→ OR 2x wing side indicators The sets with 11 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contain: → 1x fog light, 1x reverse light and 1x tailgate break light→ OR 2x wing side indicators The set with 12 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains:→ 1x fog light and 1x reverse light and 2x wing side indicators The set with 13 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains:→ 1x fog light and 1x reverse light, 2x wing side indicators and 1x tailgate break light With each kit you have the choice of orange or white bulbs for the indicators. Note that indicators must be orange by law. The fog light is always supplied in red. If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, 1x AMR3850 mounting base is required per lamp in order to mount the new round rear fog lamp and reversing lamp. As a rule, the original drill holes can then be used. All bulbs come with E-approval so that they can be fitted without further TUV recording. All bulbs come with correct plugs for simple replacement for vehicles from MY 1998 (TD5 und TD4). Fittings are supplied, as is an adjustable indicator relay that even allows to adjust indicator speed. Older vehicles can be retrofitted after removing the plug. This requires soldering. There is no need for an external day-light driving control unit as this is already included in the position lights for day-light driving function. The wiring for day-light driving requires some straight-forward soldering - illustrated instructions are supplied. As required by law, the day-light driving light illuminates with running engine and switches off once low-beam is selected. This signal lights kit is the ideal addition to our 7" Bi-LED main headlights, the LED license plate light and any additional LED spotlights - this brings the Land Rover Defender into the 21st century light-wise! Signal lights (indicators, position lights with or without day-driving lights, brake lights, fog light and reverse light, wing side indicators) in LED technology for Land Rover Defender. E-marked, white or coloured, various sets available. Plug&play for LR plugs for TD4/TD5 (from MY1998). Please note: The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires. Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
LED signal lamps for Land Rover Defender, smoke grey The advantages of LEDs are well known: low power consumption, strong light output, vibration resistance and a long lifetime. In this smoke grey signal lamp set for the Land Rover Defender (Series III, Defender 90, Defender 110, Defender 130) the following LEDs are included: The standard-set with 8 bulbs contains: 2x front indicatior ligths 2x front position lights, either with or without day-driving light 2x rear indicators 2x brake/rear lights adjustable indicator relay The set with 9 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains: 1x tailgate break light The set with 10 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contain: → 1x fog light and 1x reverse light→ OR 2x wing side indicators The set with 11 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contain: → 1x fog light, 1x reverse light and 1x tailgate break light→ OR 2x wing side indicators The set with 12 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains:→ 1x fog light and 1x reverse light and 2x wing side indicators The set with 13 bulbs additionally (aditionally to the standard-set) contains:→ 1x fog light and 1x reverse light, 2x wing side indicators and 1x tailgate break light Note that indicators must be orange by law. All bulbs come with E-approval so that they can be fitted without further TUV recording. All bulbs come with correct plugs for simple replacement for vehicles from MY 1998 (TD5 und TD4). Fittings are supplied and also an adjustable indicator relay that even allows to adjust indicator speed. Older vehicles can be retrofitted after removing the plug. This requires soldering. If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to mount the new round reversing lights. As a rule, the original drill holes can be used. This signal lights kit is the ideal addition to our 7" Bi-LED main headlights, the LED license plate light and any additional LED spotlights - this brings the Land Rover Defender into the 21st century light-wise! Please note: The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires. Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
LED position light for Land Rover Defender, whitewith E-approval mark and fittings
Also have a look at our bundles with all signal lights at a saving: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to mount the new round LED lamps. As a rule, the original drill holes can be used.
Please note:
The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.
Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
LED Signalleuchten Land Rover Defender bis MY2016: Rücklicht / Bremslicht, weiß LED Bremslicht für Land Rover Defender in weiß, einzeln.Mit E-Prüfzeichen. Geeignet für Land Rover Defender bis MY2016 Wenn die Lampen am existierenden Fahrzeug hinten eckig sind, benötigt man pro Lampe 1x Montagesockel AMR3850 um die neuen runden Leuchten zu montieren. In der Regel sind dann die Original-Bohrlöcher verwendbar. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere Bundles mit allen Signalleuchten und Preisvorteil: LED Signalleuchten für Land Rover Defender Bitte beachten Sie: Die Schrauben dürfen nicht zu fest angezogen werden (nur handfest!), da sonst das Kunststoffgehäuse Risse bekommen kann. Durch diese Risse könnte Wasser in die generell wasserdichten Leuchten eindringen. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich einen Schraubenzieher und KEINEN Akkuschrauber!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED signal lights Land Rover Defender until MY2016: turn signal, front, white
LED turn signal front for Land Rover Defender in white, single.With E-mark.
Suitable for Land Rover Defender until MY2016
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to mount the new round signal lamps. As a rule, the original drill holes can be used.
Please note: The screws must not be tightened too much (only hand-tight!), otherwise the plastic housing can get cracks. Water could penetrate the generally waterproof lights through these cracks.Only use a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED Signalleuchten Land Rover Defender bis MY2016: Blinker, vorne, gelb LED Blinker vorne für Land Rover Defender in gelb, einzeln.Mit E-Prüfzeichen. Geeignet für Land Rover Defender bis MY2016. Wenn die Lampen am existierenden Fahrzeug hinten eckig sind, benötigt man pro Lampe 1x Montagesockel AMR3850 um die neuen runden Signalleuchten zu montieren. In der Regel sind dann die Original-Bohrlöcher verwendbar. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere Bundles mit allen Signalleuchten und Preisvorteil: LED Signalleuchten für Land Rover Defender. Für diese Blinker benötigen Sie unser vierpoliges Blinkrelais, das zusätzlich das Feature bietet, die Blinkgeschwindigkeit selbst einstellen zu können. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Schrauben dürfen nicht zu fest angezogen werden (nur handfest!), da sonst das Kunststoffgehäuse Risse bekommen kann. Durch diese Risse könnte Wasser in die generell wasserdichten Leuchten eindringen. Verwenden Sie ausschließlich einen Schraubenzieher und KEINEN Akkuschrauber!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED turn signal rear for Land Rover Defender in white, single.With E-mark and a diameter of 75 mm.
Suitable for Land Rover Defender until MY2016
Please note: The screws must not be tightened too much (only hand-tight!), otherwise the plastic housing can get cracks. Through these cracks, water could penetrate into the generally waterproof luminaires.Only use a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED rear indicators for Land Rover Defender, orange, E-marked
Suitable for Land Rover Defender until MY2016Please see our bundles with all signal lights at a saving: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender.
Für diese Blinker benötigen Sie unser vierpoliges Blinkrelais, das zusätzlich das Feature bietet, die Blinkgeschwindigkeit selbst einstellen zu können.
Please note:
The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.
Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED rear fog light for Land Rover Defender, single
With E-mark.Ready to plug in with SuperSeal 2-pin plug
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to fit the new round rear fog lamps. As a rule, the original drill holes can then be used.
Please also note our bundles with all signal lights and price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender
Please note: The screws must not be overtightened (only hand-tight!), otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate the generally waterproof lights. Only use a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED signal lights Land Rover Defender: Reversing light
LED reversing light for Land Rover Defender, single.
With E-mark.
Ready to plug in with SuperSeal 2-pin plug
Suitable for Land Rover Defender up to MY2016
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to mount the new round reversing lights. As a rule, the original drill holes can then be used.
Please also note our bundles with all signal lights and price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender
Please note:
The screws must not be overtightened (only hand-tight!), otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate the generally waterproof lights.
Only use a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
LED tail light / brake light for Land Rover Defender, redE-markedPlease also see our bundles with all signal lights at a saving: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender
Please note:
The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.
Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED Tail Light / Brake Light for Land Rover Defender until MY2016, smoke grey
This high-quality LED tail light / brake light is for the Land Rover Defender.
It has an E-mark, a diameter of 73mm and impresses with the unique smoke grey color.
Suitable for Land Rover Defender until MY2016Ready to plug in with SuperSeal 2-pin plug
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need a 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to mount the new round reversing lights. As a rule, the original drill holes can be used.
Please note that you can also purchase the tail light / brake light with additional signal lights as a bundle with a price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender.
Please note:The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.Use only a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED signal light Land Rover Defender: rear fog light, smoke gray
High-quality LED rear fog light for the Land Rover Defender in visually appealing smoke gray / smoke.
The signal light has an E-mark and a diameter of 95 mm.
Including SuperSeal connector 2-pin.
If the lamps on the existing vehicle are square at the rear, you need 1x AMR3850 mounting base per lamp to fit the new round rear fog lights. As a rule, the original drill holes can then be used.
Please note that you can also purchase this rear fog light with other signal lights in a bundle with a price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender.
Please note:
The screws must not be overtightened (only hand-tight!), otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate the generally waterproof lights.
Only use a screwdriver and NOT a cordless screwdriver!
This high-quality LED tail light / brake light is for the Land Rover Defender.
It has an E-mark, a diameter of 73 mm and impresses with the unique smoke grey color.
Please note that you can also purchase the tail light / brake light with additional signal lights as a bundle with a price advantage: LED signal lights for Land Rover Defender.
Please note:
The screws must not be over tightened (only hand-tight!), Otherwise the plastic housing may crack. These cracks could allow water to penetrate into the generally watertight luminaires.
Use only a screwdriver and NO cordless screwdriver!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED Blinker für Land Rover Defender, weiß, NAS Style
LED Blinker hinten für Land Rover Defender, weiß.
Optimal geeignet zur Umrüstung diverser Sondermodelle des Land Rover Defender mit den "großen" NAS Signalleuchten (Durchmesser: 95 mm).
Mit E-Prüfzeichen und Befestigungsmaterial.
Wenn die Lampen am existierenden Fahrzeug hinten eckig sind, benötigt man pro Lampe 1x Montagesockel AMR3850 um die neuen runden LED Leuchten zu montieren. In der Regel sind dann die Original-Bohrlöcher verwendbar.
Bitte beachten Sie: Der Artikel wird ohne Stecker geliefert. Diesen können Sie hier dazu bestellen.
Bitte beachten Sie:
Die Schrauben dürfen nicht zu fest angezogen werden (nur handfest!), da sonst das Kunststoffgehäuse Risse bekommen kann. Durch diese Risse könnte Wasser in die generell wasserdichten Leuchten eindringen.
Verwenden Sie ausschließlich einen Schraubenzieher und KEINEN Akkuschrauber!
Product number:
Weight: 0,3
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Nakatanenga LED Bremsleuchte Hecktür für Land Rover Defender Das 3. Bremslicht für den Land Rover Defender - als einfach zu wechselnde Plug'n'Play-LED-Leuchte.Verfügbare Farben (Leuchtfarbe ist natürlich immer Rot): Rot (Standard) Rauchgrau (ideal für folierte Scheiben) Weiß (technische Optik) Mit E-Prüfzeichen und Befestigungsmaterial. Bitte beachten Sie auch unsere Bundles mit allen Signalleuchten und Preisvorteil: LED Signalleuchten für Land Rover Defender.
Side indicators for Land Rover Defender 90/110/130, E-marked, plug'n'play fitting, price for pair
The indicators are available in orange, black and white, while flashing, of course, in orange. Because they are E-marked they can be fitted without TUV registering them. They work with the standard Defender indicator relay as well as with the adjustable indicator relay of our LED position light set - so you needn't buy or change the indicator relay!
On Defender TD4 and TD5 the fitting is "plug&play", i.e. the plugs and sockets match and the wind does not need to be modified. Older vehicles (before MY1998) require the modification of the socket on the indicator side and the cutting on the wing.
How-to installastion video: