In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Better visibility at night
Improve visibility at night by upgrading your Land Rover's standard headlights to a better halogen headlight.
suitable for:LAND ROVER DEFENDER 90/110/130 LHD
Clear lenses and a profiled reflector on the back provide brilliant lighting.
Scope of delivery:1 pair (2 pcs)
with E-marking
PLEASE NOTE: H4 bulbs are NOT included!
Product number:
Weight: 1,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LED Hauptscheinwerfer mit E-Prüfzeichen, 5.75" Durchmesser (146mm), mit Abblend- Fern- und Positionslicht
Die Argumente für LED Hauptscheinwerfer sind überzeugend:
Robustheit - LEDs sind, im Gegensatz zu Halogen- oder Xenon-Scheinwerfern, unempfindlich gegen starke Vibrationen und Schläge, wie sie beim Einsatz am Offroader oder an Maschinen zum Alltag gehören - ihr Nutzen: Nie wieder "Birnchen" tauschen - die LEDs haben eine zu erwartende Lebenszeit von 50.000 Stunden. Dies entspricht einer Lebenszeit von über 17 Jahren, wenn man von 8 Stunden Betrieb täglich ausgeht.
geringer Strombedarf - Reguläre Hauptscheinwerfer benötigen 55 Watt pro Scheinwerfer für Abblendlicht, 60 Watt für Fernlicht, häufig werden sogar 100 Watt Glühlampen verwendet. Das ist nicht nur nicht zugelassen, sondern überlastet auch die serienmäßige Verkabelung und Lichtschalter. Die LED Hauptscheinwerfer hingegen benötigen nur 35 Watt (bei 14 V Spannung, die eine Lichtmaschine liefert) pro Scheinwerfer.
höhere Effizienz - LED Hauptscheinwerfer benötigen nicht nur weniger Strom als Halogen-Hauptscheinwerfer, sie liefern damit auch ein Mehr an Licht.
höhere Lichtqualität - das von LED Hauptscheinwerfern abgestrahlte Licht ist von der Spektralverteilung dem Sonnenlicht ähnlicher als andere Lichtquellen - es wird vom menschlichen Auge als weniger anstrengend wargenommen. Somit kommt es später zu Ermüdungen und den daraus resultierenden Risiken bei langen Dunkelheitsfahrten.
umweltfreundlicher - herkömmliche Halogen- oder Xenon-Leuchtmittel verursachen bei ihrer Herstellung große Mengen an Umweltgiften, wie z.B. Quecksilber, Blei oder Natrium. Dieses fällt bei der Produktion von LED Scheinwerfern nicht an - zudem können sie vollständig recycelt werden.
verringerte Ausfallzeiten - gerade im Fuhrpark- oder kommerziellen Einsatz gilt "Zeit ist Geld" - steht ein Fahrzeug oder eine Maschine still, sind die Kosten bzw. der Verdienstausfall um ein Vielfaches höher als der Materialwert der zu tauschen Bauteile. Hier macht sich ein wartungsfreier LED Scheinwerfer schnell bezahlt.
weniger Störstrahlung - speziell Xenon-Scheinwerfern mit ihren Hochspannungsbauteilen verursachen große Mengen an elektromagnetischer Störstrahlung (EMI). Bei immer komplexer werdenden Fahrzeugsystem kann dies zu Störungen führen, die eine langwierige Fehlersuche und Ausfallzeiten nach sich ziehen können. Bei LEDs treten diese nicht auf - und warum sollte man sich freiwillig unnötigem "Elektro-Smog" aussetzen? Die geringe Störstrahlung ist durch das Einhalten des strengen US-Militärstandards 461E dokumentiert.
Preis pro Stück.
Product number:
Weight: 5,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
LEDriving® headlight for VW Amarok
The replacement of VW Amarok OEM halogen headlights by LEDriving® headlights for VW Amarok is fully ECE compliant. The product bears the ECE test mark for components requiring approval on motor vehicles. The LEDriving® headlamps are approved according to R6, R7, R48, R87 and R112 and may therefore be installed and operated in Europe.
The LEDriving® headlamp can be installed in accordance with ECE R48 without automatic headlamp leveling and additional headlamp cleaning system, as the target luminous flux of the low beam does not exceed 2000 lumens. The headlamp is therefore registration free. This does not include individual custom requirements of countries, in addition to the standardized ECE certification of the product.
Note: The LEDriving® headlights were developed for European VW Amarok models. This means that local manufacturer model adjustments may have an impact on the functionality of LEDriving® fixtures.
Product advantages:
• OSRAM LED dipped and high beam, LED daytime running lights and LED position lights, dynamic LED turn signals• Pixel-free optics thanks to state-of-the-art optical fiber technology• Up to 200% * more light• Up to 200 m long cone of light• Up to 100% ** whiter light• No additional headlamp leveling or additional headlamp cleaning system necessary• Easy plug & play installation without modification or damage to existing cables• No additional parts required for installation• No additional approval required (ECE certified)• 2 year warranty
Application areas:
• Upgrade headlight for Volkswagen Amarok• Headlamps suitable for vehicles equipped with halogen headlamps as original equipment• Not suitable for vehicles equipped with xenon headlamps as original equipment
Product characteristics:
• Full LED headlights with LED daytime running lights, LED position lights & dynamic LED turn signals• Color temperature: up to 6500K• ECE certified• Degree of protection: IP69K
* compared to ECE R112 minimum** compared to standard halogen lamp
Approval according to ECE R6 / R7 / R48 / R87 / R112
New Defender Integration Kit Bumper with 2x Vision-X Cannon 4.7" Multi LED
Installing work lamps, additional headlights or light bars on your vehicle is not too difficult – when you’re talking older pickups or classic Defenders, that is. Obviously, with newer cars like the New Defender one should be a lot more cautious before drilling holes or attaching brackets to the expensive exterior. Vision X Lighting specialize in custom solutions, combining top performance, sleek design and installation methods that minimize effort and actual alterations to your car.
The Cannon Light Multi-LED "light cannons" from Vision X are extremely powerful additional front headlights for uncomplicated installation in the slot of the standard radiator grille of the New Defender. The 7 Watt LEDs guarantee excellent high beam illumination up to at least 215 m and can be configured with different covers for up to 25 types of use - off-road as well as on-road, for sport or work. The aluminium and polycarbonate lamp housing is as light as it is robust and can be flexibly adjusted.
Specifications for Cannon 4.7" MULTI LED:
single LED: 7W
Housing material: hybrid
Light colour temperature: 6000 Kelvin
Dimensions: 137/134/94mm
Weight: 1,3 kg
Voltage: 9-32V DC
Current: 2.04A@24V DC - 4.08A@12V DC
Vibration resistance: 21.2 Grms
Lens material: Acrylic
Certifications: CE, RoHS, IEC 62471
Weatherproof German plug
The installation is minimally invasive. The installation kit is supplied with a ....contains all the necessary fixing materials and wiring.
Scope of delivery: Complete radiator grille kit for New Defender with two CPZ710 GEN2 cannon headlights, brackets and wiring harness including detailed installation instructions.
XPL Carbon Roof Cap Kit is a high performance lightbar solution for the roof
Installing work lamps, additional headlights or light bars on your vehicle is not too difficult – when you’re talking older pickups or classic Defenders, that is. Obviously, with newer cars like the New Defender one should be a lot more cautious before drilling holes or attaching brackets to the expensive exterior. Vision X Lighting specialize in custom solutions, combining top performance, sleek design and installation methods that minimize effort and actual alterations to your car.
The XPL Carbon Roof Cap Kit by Vision X is an elegant and extremely powerful LED lightbar solution for the roof of new Defenders from MY 2021. The aerodynamically shaped carbon element holds two Vision X XPL Lo Pro light bars. The array of CREE LEDs produces 45 W per bar and a beam of over 600 m – providing safety in all weather conditions, off-road or on-road, for work or sports. The XPL light bar also features backlighting that can be used as daytime running lights.
The installation on the roof is minimally invasive. The mounting kit contains a drill template, all required fastening and sealing materials as well as the electric connections.
Specifications XPL Lo Pro Lightbars:
LEDs: 5W per LED
Housing material: Aluminum
Light color temperature: 6000 Kelvin
Voltage: 9-32V DC
Current: 0.75A~7.5A@24V DC - 1.25A~15A@12V DC
Vibration resistance: 21 Grms
Lens material: Polycarbonate
Smooth backlight
Proprietary IRIS reflector technology
Dual mounting standard
Weatherproof Deutsch connector with plug-and-play wiring harness
Certifications: CE, RoHS, IEC 62471, E mark
IRIS reflector technology
The XPL is equipped with a backlit halo that can be used as a daytime running light.
(SAE compliant for 20" and below).
Scope of delivery: Complete carbon element with two XPL-H9 light strips, brackets and wiring harness including precise fitting drilling template.
The 5.75 "LED headlight has LED dipped and high beam headlamps, LED daytime running lights and position light in fiber optic technology.
Technical specifications:
over 30,000 hours life of the LED
white light, similar to xenon
H4 connectors for plug and play
Aluminum housing
480 h salt spray test
Approvals to ECE R7, R10, R87, R112 and SAE
Voltage: 12 V and 24 V
Power at 12 V:
Dipped beam 22 W
Spotlight 23 W
Daytime running light 8.6 W
Position light 1.2 W
Available in: chrome, black-chrome, black-matt
Suitable for: many motorcycles (for example Harley Davidson), sports cars and much more.
NOLDEN 7-inch Generation 2 Bi-LED headlights for Toyota LandCruiser HZJ
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED Generation 2 main headlight kit with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and insulating strip for Toyota HZJ. Available in different colours.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Toyota HZJ / "Buschtaxi".
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Land Rover Defender, Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Update: for a nicer look, the headlights are now also available in full black (Stealth Edition)!
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Available in chrome, dark chrome, matt black and full black
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1880 lm / 2400 lm
lumens measured: 1550 lm / 1700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black and also for RHD vehicles. Please choose the desired version.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
NOLDEN 7-inch Generation 2 Bi-LED reflector headlights for VW T3
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and adaptor for Mercedes G. Available in different colours.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Mercedes G Wagon.
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Land Rover Defender, various Toyota, Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Update: for a nicer look, the headlights are now also available in full black!
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39W compared to 55/60W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Available in chrome, dark chrome, matt black and full black
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32W / 39W
voltage range: 9-32V
lumens calculated: 1880lm / 2400lm
lumens measured: 1550lm / 1700lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black and also for RHD vehicles. Please choose the desired version.
You get one complete set for your vehicle.
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit Generation 2 for Mercedes G
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit Generation 2 with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and adaptor for Mercedes G. Available in different colours.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Mercedes G Wagon.
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Land Rover Defender, various Toyota, Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Update: for a nicer look, the headlights are now also available in full black (Stealth Edition)!
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Available in chrome, dark chrome, matt black and full black
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1880 lm / 2400 lm
lumens measured: 1550 lm / 1700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black and also for RHD vehicles. Please choose the desired version.
You get one complete set for your vehicle.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and position light, including stainless steels bezels. Price advantage!
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Land Rover Defender 90/110/130. Price for one lamp!
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, various Toyota, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1.880 lm / 2.400 lm
lumens measured: 1.550 lm / 1.700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
Also note our lower-price vehicle-dependent bundles for Jeep Wrangler JK, Mercedes G and Toyota LandCruiser HZJ.
Please note that these lights have position lights. You can use the standard Defender position lights along with the headlight position lights, or you disconnect the position light of the NOLDEN lamps. You receive a complete fitting kit, including two lamps and fitting material for your vehicle.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black, the stainless steel bezels either in "stainless" or black powder coating. These lights are also available for RHD verhicles. Please choose the desired version.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlights Generation 2 for Land Rover Defender
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit Generation 2 with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and position light, including stainless steels bezels. Price advantage!
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Land Rover Defender 90/110/130. Price per pair!
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, various Toyota, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Update: for a nicer look, the headlights are now also available in full black (Stealth Edition)!
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Available in chrome, dark chrome, matt black and full black
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1880 lm / 2400 lm
lumens measured: 1550 lm / 1700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
Also note our lower-price vehicle-dependent bundles for Jeep Wrangler JK, Mercedes G and Toyota LandCruiser HZJ.
Please note that these lights have position lights. You can use the standard Defender position lights along with the headlight position lights, or you disconnect the position light of the NOLDEN lamps. You receive a complete fitting kit, including two lamps and fitting material for your vehicle.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black, the stainless steel bezels either in "stainless" or black powder coating. These lights are also available for RHD verhicles. Please choose the desired version.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and insulating strip for Toyota HZJ. Available in different colours.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Toyota HZJ / "Buschtaxi".
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Land Rover Defender, Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1,880 lm / 2,400 lm
lumens measured: 1,550 lm / 1,700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black and also for RHD vehicles. Please choose the desired version.
NOLDEN 7" Bi-LED main headlight kit with two headlamps with low-/high-beam and insulating strip for Toyota HZJ. Available in different colours.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Toyota HZJ / "Buschtaxi".
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Land Rover Defender, Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39W compared to 55/60W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32W / 39W
voltage range: 9-32V
lumens calculated: 1880lm / 2400lm
lumens measured: 1550lm / 1700lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
The Nolden LED lights are available in chrome, dark-chrome and matt black and also for RHD vehicles. Please choose the desired version.
NOLDEN Generation 2 High Performance 7" Bi-LED Headlight
Innovative 7" LED main headlight Generation 2 with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as (optional) position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Land Rover Defender 90/110/130. Price for one lamp!
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, various Toyota, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Update: for a nicer look, the headlights are now also available in full black (Stealth Edition)!
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30.000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Available in chrome, dark chrome, matt black and full black
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1880 lm / 2400 lm
lumens measured: 1550 lm / 1700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
If your vehicle has a CANBUS system or a lamp failure check, please contact us before purchase.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
Innovative 7" LED main headlight with proven reflector technology combines low- and hight-beam as well as (optional) position light in one lamp. Original dimensions and standard H4 socket mean that this is an easy to fit, durable replacement upgrade for any Land Rover Defender 90/110/130. Price for one lamp!
Also fits (in some cases with additional apaptors or wiring looms) other vehicles, like Jeep Wrangler JK/TJ/CJ, various Toyota, Mercedes G etc.
The integrated electronic driver / control unit makes for easy fitment. NOLDEN headlights are road legal, of course. They have ECE (also known as E-marked) and SAE approval and are available for either LHD (EU version) or RHD (UK version) vehicles. You can choose between light-crome and darker dark-crome looks.
Compared to traditional halogen headlights LED lights offer many advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more comfortable light ("white light"), closer to sunlight
low energy consumption (32/39 W compared to 55/60 W low/high-beam)
vibration and shock proof design (especially important for diesel cars or off-road use)
never again (ca. 30,000 hrs lifetime)
white road Illumination compatible with HID/Xenon
one of the brightest LED high and low beam 7“ headlights available
Many users of classical vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Defender, Wrangler, G-Wagon) have been looking for modern headlights with classical looks. Up to now 7“ LED headlights had offered better illumination than halogen headlights, yet they didn't give optimum illumination or were of inferior design. In addition these were often retrofitting solutions that didn't meet OEM specifications. The new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight was especially tailored to meet the OEM requirements. All components, from the LED to the plug, are designed and produced accordingly making up a perfect overall system.
The design of the 7“ Bi-LED headlights reminds more of a conventional halogen headlight that looks like the well-known classic design. The familiar appearance of the vehicle is thus not changed much and essentially still looks like “OE“.
The illumination level of the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is equally good as that of a Xenon headlight. However, the new NOLDEN headlight system has the big advantage of a lower current consumption, which increases the life of the system significantly thus noticeably lowering the operating costs. In a normal case it can be expected that the life of the NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is much longer than that of the vehicle. The ligths don't require headlight adjustment or the headlight cleaning system of the Xenon system, retrofitting with the new NCC 7“ Bi-LED headlight is therefore much easier, faster and in the end less expensive than is the case with the Xenon headlights.
Technical details:
dimensions in mm: 177 x 152
number of LED: 5 x Osram Automotive
output (low-/high-beam): 32 W / 39 W
voltage range: 9-32 V
lumens calculated: 1.880 lm / 2.400 lm
lumens measured: 1.550 lm / 1.700 lm
fixing: PAR56
homologation: ECE, SAE
front lens: UV resistent polycarbonate hard coated front lens
housing: lightweight, rigid alumium housing
waterproof: 480 h salt spray tested and fully water proof to IP6K9K
NOLDEN Bi-LED main headlights are also suitable and approved for many European, Asian and American motorbikes.
Please note our lower-price vehicle-dependent bundles for Land Rover Defender, Jeep Wrangler JK, Mercedes G and Toyota LandCruiser HZJ.
IMPORTANT: We do not ship the right-hand drive / left-hand traffic versions to UK.UK customers please visit for the RHD/LHT headlights.
Reflector headlights in bi-LED technology, with low beam, high beam and position light, ECE and SAE approval for cars, 4x4s and motorcycles, integrated control unit, H4 connection, available for right-hand or left-hand traffic.
The manufacturer Truck-Lite, which has long been established in the USA, is now also devoting itself to the European market and has very interesting price points with its 7 "and 5x7" Bi-LED main headlights.
Compared to the original headlights in halogen technology, LED headlights offer numerous advantages:
higher light output ("more light")
more pleasant light color ("whiter light"), more similar to sunlight
lower energy consumption (32 / 39 W compared to 55 / 60 W with dipped and high beam)
insensitive to vibrations (particularly relevant for vehicles with diesel engines and / or off-road use)
no need to replace bulbs (approx. 30,000 hours service life)
white street lighting, comparable to xenon headlights
worldwide one of the cheapest, available 5x7 “LED headlights with E-mark
Many users of classic vehicles, especially off-road vehicles (Jeep Cherokee XJ, Jeep Commanche MJ, Jeep Wrangler YJ), are looking for a modern light source with a classic look. Previously offered 5x7 “LED headlights (H6054) were better in terms of illumination than the halogen versions, but mostly still did not offer optimal illumination and were often rather questionable in terms of design. In addition, some of these were retrofit solutions that did not meet the OEM requirements.
The Truck-Lite main headlights in 5x7 "format can be installed in the Jeep Cherokee without any additional accessories.
Technical specifications:
Functions: low beam, high beam, parking light / position lighttwo separate LED arrays
9-33 V multi-voltage design, for use in 12 V and 24 V systems
Power consumption (12.8 V): 1.8 A (low beam), 3.6 A (high beam)
Power consumption (25.6 V): 1.0 A (low beam), 1.8 A (high beam)
Working temperature range: -40 ° C to 50 ° C
Overvoltage protection: up to 600 V
Coated, robust polycarbonate lens
Aluminum housing with coated reflector
Connection: Standard H4
Design: Direct exchange for H6054 lights
Encapsulated electronics for maximum insensitivity to vibrations, moisture or rust
Approval according to ECE and DOT, thanks to the existing E-mark, the Truck-Lite headlights can be used without registration
Please select below how many headlights you need and whether you need them for right-hand traffic (EU) or left-hand traffic (UK).
Experience unmatched performance
Versatility and visibility with the CG2 Light Cannon series, your leading LED solution for off-road lighting. Whether you're conquering winding trails or braving challenging weather conditions, these headlamps are designed to illuminate your path.
Exceptional features :
High beam: Choose a single LED beam to illuminate long distances or for precise light exactly where you need it.
Ultra-bright light: CG2 Series ultra-bright LEDs give you exceptional visibility, even at the farthest distances, so you can feel confident driving day or night.
Adaptation to extreme conditions: Difficult weather conditions are no longer an obstacle. Thanks to the new Selective Yellow lens option, you can drive through dust, rain, snow and fog and still maintain maximum visibility.
Advanced Specifications :
40W Single Source LED: Benefit from a long-range 40W spot beam to illuminate your path like never before.
Iris Reflector Technology: Iris reflector technology provides increased range for better visibility so you can see further.
High-quality CREE LEDs: The highest quality CREE LEDs ensure long-lasting durability and exceptional performance.
Easy installation: Each pair of headlamps comes with an included plug-and-play harness that simplifies installation, so you can be in the palm of your hand.
Transform your riding experience with the CG2 Light Cannon series. Powerful illumination, unmatched reliability and total adaptability make these headlights the perfect solution for off-road adventurers.
Order today and explore the world with confidence, no matter what road you're on.
Dimensions (LxWxH): 14.53 cm x 9.37 cm x 13.41 cm.
Input voltage: 9-32 V DC.
AMP consumption: 6.67 A.
Power: 80 W
Gross volume: 6,000 lm
Distance: 340 m
Beam type: Spot beam
Scope of delivery: 2 spotlights with connection cable
CG2 Light Cannon headlights
are the ultimate off-road lighting solution for your Ineos Grenadier. With a range of sizes from 3.0" to 8.7", each light in this series is designed to meet your specific needs, offering unrivalled performance in all conditions.
Key Features :
Unmatched Power: These headlamps feature ultra-bright 40W single-source LEDs, delivering a long-distance spot beam. You can count on them to light your way, no matter how dark it gets.
Maximum adaptability: Choose between a clear or yellow selective lens to adapt to all weather conditions, whether dust, rain, snow or fog. Maximum visibility is guaranteed.
Cutting-edge technology: Thanks to iris reflector technology, these headlights offer unrivalled range. You can drive with confidence, knowing you'll see everything in your path clearly.
Superior quality: Our CG2 Light Cannon headlights use the highest quality CREE LEDs for long-term durability and performance. You can rely on them to stay strong in the most demanding environments.
Easy Installation: Each pair of headlamps comes with a Plug And Play harness included, which means installation is quick and easy. You'll be ready to go in no time.
Unlimited customization: All CG2 round LED light guns are compatible with our 25-light-in-one cover system (sold separately). This lets you change the pattern and color of the light to suit your specific driving environment.
Transform your Grenadier into the ultimate off-road machine with CG2 Light Cannon headlights. More power, more visibility, more confidence on any terrain.
Dimensions (LxWxH) : 14.5 cm x 9.4 cm x 13.4 cm
Input voltage: 9-32V DC
AMP consumption: 8.17 A
Power: 98 W
Gross Lumens: 10,500 lm
Illumination distance: 279.4 m
Beam type: Wide beam and spot beam