In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Self-adhesive anti-slip pads
Perforated metal sheets, as used on our CargoBear roof racks, on ladders, steps and other climbing aids on vehicles, are much safer than regular metal surfaces. Additional anti-slip pads, however, offer an unbeatable safety advantage, especially in wet or dirty conditions. The anti-slip pads are designed to perfectly match the hole patterns and due to its black color, they also compliment the overall look of our products. The material for the pads originates in the sports sector and has been widely used on skateboards, for example.
For the CargoBear, we offer ready-cut, self-adhesive anti-slip pads measuring 16 x 24 cm individually or in sets of 3, 6 or 12. Please note: the multi-packs provide increasing savings regarding the price per item.
Since the pads are manufactured with in-house laser cutting technology, we can supply custom formats on request.
B-Rack Mid Top DK PickUp Bed Rack horntools Double Cab
One system designed for all pickups and all needs. Whether camper, craftsmanor hunter - the B-Rack was developed as a modular system. Made of high-quality aluminum. The B-Rack is not only very light, but also extremely rigid.Suitable for midsize pickups such as:
Nissan Navara
Ford Ranger / Raptor
Mitsubishi L200
Fiat Fullback
Mercedes X-Class
US pickups and special vehicles can be tested on request.Attention:If the system remains permanently installed, the following clearance angles must be observed for the third brake light:10° left and right, as well as 10° up and 5° down. If these clearance angles are not adheredto, the brake light must be reinstalled at the rear of the vehicle, taking into account the limit dimensions of ECE R48.The standard third brake light must then be deactivated and the lens blackened.fact:
4 different heights and 2 different lengths
For double cabins and ex-cabs
Simply take it with you when changing vehicles
Flexible construction and width adjustable
Numerous mounting options for holders and accessories
Extensive range of accessories such as inserts and boxes
incl. optionally installable PHBRSIRA cross brace (see installation instructions)
High-quality coated aluminum
Weight approx. 27 kg
Notice:Due to manufacturer tolerances in the area of the loading areasIn individual cases, our products may not fit exactly.With the Mercedes X-Class and the Nissan Navara, the side-mountedlashing rails must be dismantled in order to mount the B-Rack!
Pickup Bed Rack System - B-RACK This version of the B-RACK was specially developed for the Isuzu DMAX and VW Amarok, so that the B-RACK overlay roof rackcan be mounted on the vehicle. The 45 version of the B-RACK is normally used for this.But the DMAX has a higher cabin and because of this we have developed a special solution here.Our all-rounder, whether for campers, craftsmenor hunters - the B-Rack was developed as a modular system.The material consists of high-quality aluminum, making it very light and extremely stiff.Suitable for midsize pickups such as: Isuzu Dmax VW Amarok Attention:For mounting on a VW Amarok, it requires its own mounting frame: PHBRSUFR135VWAM B- Rack mounting frames for Volkswagen® AmarokUS pickups and special vehicles can be checked upon request.Caution:If the system remains permanently installed, the following clearance angles must be observed for the third brake light:10° to the right and left, as well as 10° up and 5° down. If these clearance angles are not observed,the brake light must be reinstalled at the rear of the vehicle, taking into account the limit dimensions of ECE R48.The standard third brake light must then be deactivated and the lens blackened. fact: 4 different heights and 2 different lengths For double cabins and ex-cabs Simply take it with you when changing vehicles Flexible construction and width adjustable Numerous mounting options for holders and accessories Extensive range of accessories such as inserts and boxes incl. optionally installable PHBRSIRA cross brace (see installation instructions) High-quality coated aluminum Weight approx. 27 kg Note:Due to manufacturer tolerances in the area of the loading areas, in individual cases our products may not fit exactly.With the Mercedes X-Class and the Nissan Navara, thelashing rails mounted on the side must be dismantled in order to mount the B-Rack!
B-Rack Mid Top Plus XtraCab PickUp 50cmx155cm Bed Rack horntools Extra Cab
Pickup Bed Rack System - B-RACKOne system designed for all pickups and all needs. Whether camper, craftsmanor hunter - the B-Rack was developed as a modular system. Made of high-quality aluminum, the B-Rack is not only very light, but also extremely rigid.Suitable for midsize pickups such as:
VW Amarok
Isuzu Dmax
For VW Amarok you need the mounting frame PHBRSUFR135VWAM
US pickups and special vehicles can be inspected upon request.Caution:If the system remains permanently installed, the following clearance angles must be observed for the third brake light:10° to the right and left, as well as 10° up and 5° down. If these clearance angles are not adheredto, the brake light must be reinstalled at the rear of the vehicle, taking into account the limit dimensions of ECE R48.The standard third brake light must then be deactivated and the lens blackened. fact:
3 different heights and 2 different lengths
For double cabins and ex-cabs
Simply take it with you when changing vehicles
Flexible construction and width adjustable
Numerous mounting options for holders and accessories
Extensive range of accessories such as inserts and boxes
incl. optionally installable PHBRSIRA cross brace (see installation instructions)
High-quality coated aluminum
Weight approx. 29 kg
Notice:Due to manufacturer tolerances in the area of the loading areasIn individual cases, our products may not fit exactly.With the Mercedes X-Class and the Nissan Navara, the lashing rails mounted on the side must be dismantled in order to mount the B-Rack!
B-Rack Mid Top XtraCab PickUp 45cmx155cm Bed Rack horntools Extra Cab
Pickup Bed Rack System - B-RACKOne system designed for all pickups and all needs. Whether camper, craftsmanor hunter - the B-Rack was developed as a modular system. Made of high-quality aluminum. The B-Rack is not only very light, but also extremely rigid.Suitable for pickups such as:
Nissan Navara
Ford Ranger / Raptor
Mitsubishi L200
Fiat Fullback
Mercedes X-Klasse
US pickups and special vehicles can be inspected upon request.
Caution:If the system remains permanently installed, the following clearance angles must be observed for the third brake light:10° to the right and left, as well as 10° up and 5° down. If these clearance angles are not adheredto, the brake light must be reinstalled at the rear of the vehicle, taking into account the limit dimensions of ECE R48.The standard third brake light must then be deactivated and the lens blackened. fact:
3 different heights and 2 different lengths
For double cabins and ex-cabs
Simply take it with you when changing vehicles
Flexible construction and width adjustable
Numerous mounting options for holders and accessories
Extensive range of accessories such as inserts and boxes
High-quality coated aluminum
Weight approx. 29 kg
Notice:Due to manufacturer tolerances in the area of the loading areasIn individual cases, our products may not fit exactly.With the Mercedes X-Class and the Nissan Navara, thelashing rails mounted on the side must be dismantled in order to mount the B-Rack!
B-Rack roof rack overlay for Mid Top B-Rack
Pickup Bed Rack System - B-RACKOne system designed for all pickups and all needs. Whether camper, craftsmanor hunter - the B-Rack was developed as a modular system. Made of high-quality aluminum, the B-Rack is not only very light, but also extremely rigid.Overlay roof rack for MidTop B-Rack basic rackThe ideal addition to the basic rack for roof tents, long goods and other bulky loads.The overlay roof rack is designed in such a way that it still remains in place even when the chassis is foldedhas enough distance to the cabin - despite the load. We used the space on the backand installed 2 waterproof and dustproof flaps to form a large compartment.There are numerous mounting and lashing options on the entire carrier.Two designated mounting locations for work lights are located on the front of the overlay.Notice:
This is only the overlay roof rack! The B-Rack basic carrier must be purchased separately.
When setting up, care must be taken to ensure that there is always at least 5cm space between the overlay andthe vehicle.
In the case of vehicles with a railing, this may have to be dismantled.
The original antenna can no longer be used with the roof rack. You can swap it for a flexible or short antenna.
Please make sure beforehand whether the replacement antenna is compatible.
Due to manufacturer tolerances in the area of the loading areas, in individual cases our products may not fit exactly.
The slightly higher B-Rack: HBR50-135 is required for the Isuzu DMAX.
Who does not need an entire roof rack on his Land Rover Defender, because just want to mount a roof tent on two cross-beams, for which the CargoBear crossbars are optimally suited! They are identical to the crossbars of the CargoBear roof rack and therefore combine all their advantages:
made of a light and stable aluminum-magnesium alloy (AlMg3)
high quality powder coated (RAL 9005 - deep black)
width: 1.450 mm (of which 1.300 mm for the usable area)
length: 120 mm
completely made in Germany
Furthermore, two or three brackets can be upgraded by buying the missing parts to a full CargoBear roof rack - this is just the advantage of the modular system carrier!
Of course, numerous accessories for the CargoBear roof rack with the crossbars can be used.
Please note:
The CargoBear roof rack / crossbar can not be installed on defenders that have a ribbed roof (see photo). An approximate indication of the series is between 1983 and 1989.
Installation note:M10 lens head: 20 Nm to 25 NmM6 lens cylinder head: 10 Nm to 12 Nm
Measured from the gutter, the Cargobear is approx. 23 cm high. On the roof it is approx. 5-6 cm - depending on the roof, condition, year of construction etc.
CargoBear - crossbar - for Mercedes G
Who does not need an entire roof rack on his Mercedes G because he e.g. If you only want to install a roof tent on two crossbars, the CargoBear cross bars are ideal for that! They are structurally identical to the crossbars of the CargoBear Mercedes G roof racks and therefore also offer their advantages:
made of a light and stable aluminum-magnesium alloy (AlMg3)
high quality powder-coated (RAL 9005 - jet black)
width: 1.505 mm (thereof 1.350 mm for the usable area)
length: 120 mm
completely made in Germany
Since our CargoBear roof racks are modular system racks, you can upgrade two or three brackets to the full roof rack by purchasing the missing parts!
Of course, numerous accessories can also be used for the CargoBear roof rack with the crossbars.
Installation note:M10 lens head: 20 Nm to 25 NmM6 lens cylinder head: 10 Nm to 12 Nm
Measured from the gutter, the CargoBear is approx. 20cm high. On the roof it is approx. 5-6 cm - depending on the roof, condition, year of construction etc.
Suitable for all CargoBear 1 + 2 roof racks!
CargoBear - Crossbar angled / low
Suitable for CargoBear angled wind deflector
Aluminum, black matt powder-coated RAL 9005
incl. fastening material
Slanted/low crossbar is the matching bracket for slanted wind deflector
suitable for all CargoBear 1 + 2 roof racks!
can only be mounted at A-pillar height
Suitable for mounting lamps and headlights
Product number:
Weight: 5,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear Roof Rack Crossbar
Pack a bear on your roof, the CargoBear! Or, in this case, our new bear cub. The modular roof rack system that has revolutionized the attic conversions on top of Defenders and G-Wagons is now also available for the Jimny II.
The small workhorse from Suzuki is a big performer but has one major disadvantage: the Jimny – due to conceptual constraints – suffers from massive lack of space on the inside. Farmers, foresters and other friends of the 4x4 quickly reach the limits of the Mini-Defender when storing tools and equipment. With the CargoBear for the petite Japanese, there is now a modular and highly flexible roof rack that can be individually adapted to your needs. And what’s best: the CargoBear can grow with your tasks.
The key elements in our modular concept are the deep black, high-quality powder-coated crossbeams made of aluminum-magnesium alloy. They are entirely Made in Germany and two or three of these cross bars already make up a sturdy and highly versatile roof rack with a great number of lashing points and custom extendability. Longer gear like ladders, ski or surfing equipment, kayaks and many other objects can be transported safely and securely on the roof of the little grasshopper.
If your requirements grow over time, you can always turn the bare crossbeam structure into the full platform by adding the remaining panels, the wind deflector and the end bracket. The cross beams are supplied with two clamps each and all the necessary fastening material.
Material: Aluminum-Magnesium-Alloy (AlMg3), high-quality powder-coated Color: Deep Black RAL 9005Width: 1,346 mm (1,313 mm usable space)
Measured from the gutter, the CargoBear is approx. 15 cm high. On the roof it is approx. 5-6 cm - depending on the roof, condition, year of construction etc.
Suitable for all Cargobear 2 roof racks
Quick navigation:
The standard combinations of the modules
Available lengths (dimensions and weights)
Mounting instructions and downloads
When it comes to powerful performance, our very own CargoBear is definitely the Grizzly among roof racks. Strong, sturdy and massively versatile, it was way ahead of its time when we introduced it in 2016. But the world is turning, evolution doesn’t favor a standstill and if you want to survive in nature, you need to keep innovating.
Leaner and meaner is this new bear, the CargoBear 2.0, when he emerges from his winter den in Berg. Same load bearing strength, same solidity, same rigidity, but greatly reduced fight weight: Your 4x4 has to carry around 30 % less weight on the roof. And on top of it, the new CargoBear comes with a reduced price tag as well.
How did we do it? The crucial difference lies in a new construction design. Removing the comparatively heavy longitudinal connecting beams, their structural function has been taken over by newly developed perforated HIGRIP plates between the crossbars and angled end-plates for the sides. The new design achieves (nearly) the same structural strength as its predecessor but reduces the net weight considerably.
The CargoBear 2.0 has been designed for a load capacity of 300 kg off-road (with evenly distributed load). This can easily be doubled on the road. Theoretically, that is, because it’s important to make two points when it comes to roof racks. One, keep in mind that your vehicle’s centre of gravity can shift upwards considerably when carrying a roof rack with cargo, especially off-road. And two, when loading your roof rack, the limitations will most likely result from your vehicles approved roof load which in most cases will be significantly below the specifications of the rack itself.
Some of the CargoBear 2.0’s features stay the same, however, because we found them hard to improve: this includes the jet-black, super-flat look, the high-performance material and the modular versatility. Furthermore, all accessories, additional components, roof tents etc. are fully compatible with the first generation. The long G-Class will finally get a CargoBear with four crossbars and we are also working on a model for the new Defender. So, bear with us, we will release real results when we have them and not CGI renders like some of our competition.
And last but not least, the old heavier CargoBear with longitudinal beams and checker plate will be continued exclusively for classic Defenders who need specific heavy-duty applications.
PLEASE NOTE: In Defender with pop-up roof / lift roof, the original roof is often shortened. If necessary, the roof rack then does not fit. Please measure beforehand or contact us in advance if you have any questions.
Please note:When using a snorkel, the wind deflector may need to be adjusted.
Please note: The CargoBear can be used on an AluCab pop-up roof.
The standard combinations of modules:(Click to enlarge)
Defender 90
1,890 mm - 2 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 90
2,075 mm - 3 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 90
2,075 mm - 3 Modules incl. inclined extension (front module)
optional: end beam
Defender 90
1,005 mm - 1 Moduls
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 110 SW/HT
2,775 mm - 3 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 110 SW/HT
2,765 mm - 3 Modules incl. inclined extension (front module)
optional: end beam
Defender 110 SW/HT
1,890 mm - 2 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 110 SW/HT
1,005 mm - 1 Moduls
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 110 DC
1,545 mm - 2 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 110 DC
1,545 mm - 2 Modules incl. inclined extension (front module)
optional: end beam
Defender 110 DC
1,005 mm - 1 Moduls
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 130
1,545 mm - 2 Modules
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Defender 130
1,545 mm - 2 Modules incl. inclined extension (front module)
optional: end beam
Defender 130
1,005 mm - 1 Moduls
optional: end beam, wind deflector
Available lengths (dimensions and weights):
1 Modul:
1x L
1,005 mm
2 Module:
1x L + 1x K
1,545 mm - geeignet für 110 DC, 130 CC
2 Module:
2x L
1,890 mm - geeignet für 90 er
3 Module:
3x L
2,775 mm - geeignet für 110 SW/HT
3 Module mit schräger oder normaler Eweiterung:
1x L + 2x K
2,075 mm - optimal für 90er
3 Module mit schräger Eweiterung:
3x L
2,765 mm - optimal für 110er
Schräges Erweiterungsmodul:
875 mm
Erweiterungsmodul lang:
885 mm
Erweiterungsmodul kurz:
540 mm
Installation note:M10 lens head: 20 Nm to 25 NmM6 lens cylinder head: 10 Nm to 12N m
Measured from the gutter, the CargoBear is approx. 23 cm high. On the roof it is approx. 5-6 cm - depending on the roof, condition, year of construction etc.
You can find ideal protection for the lashing rail profile on the CargoBear or for all other lashing rails here.
If you need spare parts or extensions for the CargoBear 1.0, please ask us by email or phone.
Nakatanenga CargoBear for Ineos Grenadier
The launch of the Ineos Grenadier was without a doubt the biggest event for the off-road community since the launch of the new Defender. And since the two are more or less officially competing for the title of best successor to the old Landy, it's a pretty exciting affair. When it comes to the shape of the roof, the new Ineos is hardly distinguishable from the old Defender, including the slope at the front, the side gutters and the mighty roof load of 150 kg (dynamic load) and 420 kg (static).
All of that makes it a joy to fit the Grenadier with our CargoBear modular roof rack. The legendary CargoBear is just as ambitious and versatile as the British newcomer with its Bavarian-Austrian technology and old-school look. The CargoBear for the Grenadier (Station Wagon/Utility Wagon) can be ordered in four variations – but thanks to our modular system, subsequent conversions or add-ons are easily done, whenever your specific requirements change.
In the simplest, open version, the roof rack consists of three crossbars, a wind deflector at the front and the end carrier at the rear. For closed and therefore fully accessible platforms, the Bear is available in three further versions:
As a short roof rack with three crossbars, two closed sections between the bars, a wind deflector and end panel.
As a long version with four crossbars, three closed sections between the bars, a wind deflector and end panel.
There is also a special version for grenadiers with safari windows in the front roof. Here the rear two sections are fully closed, the front one has two openings on the sides, so as not to obstruct the safari windows.
As with the old Landy, the ultra-flat roof rack is simply mounted to the roof gutters by clamping brackets. A hybrid solution specially adapted to the Grenadier provides even more stability: additional U-profiles and support brackets connect the CargoBear to the handles on the roof to take excessive load off the gutters.
As always, all aluminum and stainless steel components of the CargoBear are powder-coated in black. This makes them a perfect match for the purist design of the Grenadier.
Ineos Grenadier and CargoBear - the ultimate combination for work, sport, camping or expedition!
Material:Crossbar, platform, wind deflector and end panel: powder-coated aluminum (black)U-profiles and support brackets: Stainless steel powder-coated (black)
CargoBear 2.0 system roof rack for Land Rover New Defender from 2020 onwards
CargoBear, meet the New Defender! New Defender, meet the CargoBear! Two legends are coming together for the first time: the new Land Rover Defender, arguably the most complete 4x4 off-road vehicle at present, and our tried and tested, very successful modular roof rack system CargoBear. The bear crowns every new Landy, whether it’s a 90 or a 110.
At Nakatanenga, we took our time to finetune the CargoBear for every design detail, technical specification and user requirement the Defender L663 (from MY 2020) challenged us with. At its full length of 2.41 m, our rack consists of 3 crossbars, two platform elements as well as front and rear modules. The overall width of 1.20 m gives you almost 3 square meters of fully usable cargo space. The entire surface can be loaded and walked upon – a decisive advantage over many competing products.
The CargoBear is screwed into the original mounting points of the roof rails which have to be removed, of course. Another great advantage over the competition is the fact that you can configure the CargoBear rack in two heights: At 100 mm, the glass roof – if you have one –remains fully functional. If your Defender doesn’t have a glass roof or if you prefer a lower, more streamlined profile, the rack can be mounted at only 80mm above the roof.
Whether you’re choosing the high or low mount, aerodynamics was always our main concern in the CargoBear’s development. There are no legally required speed limits when driving with the rack, but we recommend a top speed of 160 km/h when empty and 130 km/h when loaded. For the overall load capacity please refer to your owner’s manual and the specific version or configuration of your vehicle. The roof rack’s weight of up to 50 kg has to be deducted from the dynamic load capacity.
The new Defender’s overall look is perfectly complimented by the matte black powder coating of both aluminum and stainless steel elements. While the V-shaped rear module accommodates the antenna and the rear view camera and guarantees full functionality, the front element is specifically designed to easily integrate an Osram VX1000-CB or other light bars.
New Defender and CargoBear – the ultimate combo for work, holiday or expedition!
Material:Crossbars and Platform sheets: aluminum, matte black powder coatingMounting rails: stainless steel, matte black powder coating
Product number:
Weight: 60,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear accessory holder for maximum traction
Maximum Traction Boards are an extremely lightweight plastic alternative to conventional aluminum sandboards, a must-have for all serious off-roaders and expedition enthusiasts. If you have at least two CargoBear crossbars - or the entire roof rack - on the classic Defender (up to MY2016) or Mercedes G-Class, you can now install a robust and quickly accessible mount for the traction boards with little effort.
The mount consists of a bracket set with two of our tried-and-tested CargoBear awning brackets (stainless steel) and special aluminium mounting plates for the traction boards. The awning brackets are simply screwed to the crossbars’ angled sides.
All brackets are powder-coated in black. Screws and fastening material (stainless steel) - also for the traction board - are included.
Product number:
Weight: 3,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear - Awning holder for New Defender
One of the best moments when car camping or at 4x4 meetings is unfolding the roof awning. It means you've arrived and the cozy part is about to begin. Once the awning is up, you can lounge in your camping chair, put your feet up and plan your next activities over a coffee or a cool drink.
And since the CargoBear is also available for the New Defender, there is also the option of attaching numerous awnings and awnings. Our awning holders made of black powder-coated stainless steel are screwed onto the slope of at least two crossbars and are suitable for awnings such as the RoofLodge Awning, RhinoRack Foxwing and SunSeeker.
The 3-piece set is supplied including the necessary mounting material for attaching the awning holder to the CargoBear roof rack. Fastening material for the awning is not included.
Product number:
Weight: 1,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Bracket for CB antenna / radio antenna for CargoBear system roof rack
Stainless steel, black powder-coated.Delivery without antenna, price per piece.- Suitable for all CargoBear 1 + 2 roof racks!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Bracket for large auxiliary headlights
For driving lamps and Vision-X Cannon, stainless steel, black powder-coated.Delivery without headlights, price per piece.- Suitable for all CargoBear 1 + 2 roof racks!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear end plate Defender
Beautiful and handy, this CargoBear end plate for the Defender. Beautiful because it adds the finishing touch to the design of the already extremely attractive black bear. Particularly on the short Landy, with the roof rack configuration of three crossbars and two perforated board surfaces, the wind deflector and end panel round off the look perfectly on both sides and, above all, provide the ideal roof rack length for the vehicle. And then, as already mentioned, the end panel is also very handy because we have integrated a handle on both sides, which makes climbing up to the roof level much easier and safer.
The end module also extends the usable loading area by another 9 cm and offers additional space for attaching work LEDs, fastenings, lashing points and the like. Above all, however, it can protect the rear edge of the roof when loading and unloading the bear - depending on the CargoBear configuration and vehicle. As always in our modular CargoBear system, the material is a black, powder-coated aluminum-magnesium alloy with a non-slip perforated plate structure.
The end plate is supplied with all the necessary fastening material.
Material: Aluminum-magnesium alloy (AlMg3), high-quality powder-coated
Color: Deep black RAL 9005
Width: 1,450 mm
Suitable for all CargoBear 1 + 2 roof racks.
Product number:
Weight: 2,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Connecting piece for headlamp holder
Can be used laterally or centrally (see technical drawings). Suitable for universal accessories such as light bars.Supplied without side brackets, which are necessary for mounting, and without headlights.The mounting points of a light bar can be up to 400 mm apart in order to be attached to the connector.ATTENTION: The article only fits the CargoBear Defender 1 + 2!
Product number:
Weight: 0,2
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear cross bars
There’s only one real alternative for the full CargoBear roof rack: the CargoBear cross bars on their own! If you don’t need the entire cargo platform on your New Defender, because you carry only long work equipment or sports gear like surfboards, skis or kayaks, the cross bars alone will do the job perfectly. The same applies for roof tent campers. For the new 110 Landy this means that the standard setup consists of 3 cross beams for the entire length of the roof. The sturdy bars will give you a roof rack that is significantly more robust than any off-the-shelf rooftop carrier.
The cross bars are available single or as sets of 2 or 3. They are 100% identical to the ones we sell in the CargoBear kits, i.e. they are 1,450 mm wide (1,300 mm usable) and 120 mm long. The aluminum bars feature stainless steel bases that connect to the standard roof rail via inserted sliding blocks (included). As with the complete CargoBear platform, the bars can be mounted on two height levels, 80 or 100 mm respectively. Choosing the higher level will ensure that your roof window retains its full functionality.
The crossbars feature a very wear and tear resistant matte black RAL 9005 powder-coating. A great number of recessed lashing slots allow you to attach lashing rings, brackets, hooks, stud fittings etc. You can also attach your lashing straps directly, of course. The standard CargoBear accessories will also fit the various lashing and mounting points. Thanks to the modular system, this makes a future upgrade to a full CargoBear platform absolutely hassle-free.
CargoBear Mounting brackets for Awnings
The CargoBear awning holder allows you to mount numerous awnings on the CargoBear roof rack for Defender and on the CargoBear roof rack for Mercedes G. It is suitable for the following awning models, among others:
RoofLodge Awnings
RhinoRack Foxwing
RhinoRack SunSeeker
At least two CargoBear cross bars are required for assembly. The 4-piece set is supplied including the necessary assembly material for attaching the awning holder to the CargoBear roof rack. Fixing material for the awning is not included.
The awning holder is made of stainless steel. It can be used on all CargoBear carriers with 30° feet (e.g. Land Rover Defender or Mercedes G).
Material: black powder-coated stainless steel
Suitable for all CargoBear 1.0 + 2.0 roof racks!
Product number:
Weight: 2,5
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
CargoBear Quick mounting rails for various roof racks
If you use your roof tent frequently or want to mount it on different vehicles, our quick mount system for roof tents is an enormously practical and time-saving solution. Whether CargoBear, FrontRunner or other roof rack systems, fastening our practical, two-part mounting rails is a question of minutes. Each rail’s bottom is attached to the carrier and the top to the underside of the roof tent, thereby providing and easy to reach connection that is equally quick to fasten or loosen again. That way, you only drive your tent around when you're actually going camping.
As a general rule, two rails will be sufficient for mounting most tents. However, for larger/longer hard-shell tents, for example, we recommend using three rails. The black powder-coated bottom part (on the roof rack) of each pair of rails is attached to the stainless steel top part (on the roof tent) with two to four screws.Compared to the old frame solution, the enormously space-saving quick-change rails are very easy to pack – leading to significantly lower shipping costs compared to the expensive special delivery charges for the old system.You are not sure whether a roof tent can be mounted on your vehicle? We are happy to help and advise you! So far, we have found the perfect solution for almost every vehicle.
Length: 113cmHeight: 5,5cm
Just get in touch at +49 (0) 9181 466 644
Please note:the basic set consists of 2 rails with 2 upper and 2 lower parts each (4 parts).Normally, the basic set is sufficient for the assembly.E.g. for large roof tents you can mount an additional rail (2 parts) for more stability.
CargoBear rear ladder for Mercedes G
Even the best roof rack isn’t worth much, when you can’t access it quickly and safely – especially when we’re talking very tall 4x4s like the Mercedes G-Class. Depending on your vehicle specs and the roof rack, you may face a climb of well over two 2 meters with the G-wagon.
This light but extremely sturdy aluminum ladder with its four steps features an angled design following the contours of the G-Class’ rear. The bottom of the ladder is wider than the top, making especially the descents much safer. A matte black powder-coated finish is as elegant as it is robust, even when you get a lot of use out of it.
Our rear ladder for the G-Class fits the following models:• W460 (MY 79-92)• W461 (from MY 92)• W462 (ELBO version)• W463 (MY 1990 - 2018)
The ladder is hooked into the rain gutter at the top and screwed in place; the following mounting options are available for the lower section:Standard mounting:Fastening with 3M double-sided adhesive tape.Optional mounting:Drill 2 holes and screw on with the two blind insert nuts.Installation for the G Professional:Screw the assembly to the existing screw points on the vehicle.
Product number:
Weight: 23,0
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days