In this product group you will find everything that is absolutely essential for the use of your off-roader. You could also call them technically essential components, without which literally nothing would work. In other words, everything that makes a vehicle a vehicle (with the possible exception of differential locks ...).
In our range, you will find everything you need to turn an off-roader into a truly unique vehicle, customised to your personal wishes and requirements - individual and uniquely practical. Whether interior fittings or spare wheel carrier, door panelling, compressed air system, trailer coupling or sports steering wheel: we offer equipment that delivers what it promises in terms of durability, versatility and quality.
In unserem Sortiment finden sich alles, was nötig ist, um aus einem Offroader ein echtes Unikat ganz nach den persönlichen Wünschen und Anforderungen zu machen – individuell und einzigartig praktisch. Ob Innenausstattung oder Reserveradträger, ob Türverkleidung, Druckluft-System, Anhängerkupplung oder Sportlenkrad: Wir bieten Equipment, das in Sachen Langlebigkeit, vielseitigem Einsatz und Qualität hält, was es verspricht.
Have you been looking for the right roof tent for a while, but still have questions? We will be happy to advise you openly and competently on topics such as vehicle roof load, suitable roof racks for your vehicle, tent size or installation options - all tailored to your needs!
In addition to main headlights, we can supply you with optional driving lights, work lights - also in the form of the popular LED bars, reversing and signalling lights as well as indicators for all common off-road vehicles.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Clothing, bags and accessories for camping, off-road and outdoor enthusiasts. Nakatanenga's textile products are made from high-quality materials that combine durability, functionality and design. They are ideal for anyone who is frequently out and about. Tactical Bear products are designed and predominantly manufactured in Germany. Only a few items are manufactured in other EU countries.
You'll find everything you need for perfect outdoor fun in our Camping & Outdoor category. With our large selection from the areas of picnics, camping, accessories for your tent and outdoor cooking, you are always perfectly equipped for your next trip.
Entdecken Sie eine vielfältige Auswahl an nützlichen Produkten und informativen Ressourcen, die Ihnen dabei helfen, Ihr Abenteuer im Freien optimal zu gestalten. Von Ratgebern und Anleitungen bis hin zu praktischem Zubehör finden Sie hier alles, was Sie für Ihre nächste Outdoor-Exkursion benötigen. Damit Sie bestens vorbereitet sind und Ihr Outdoor-Erlebnis in vollen Zügen genießen können.
Wenn‘s im Gelände mal gröber wird: mit Seilwinden, Stoßstangen, Schwellerschutz, Unterfahrschutz und Zubehör wie Dyneema Kunststoffseilen ist Ihr Jeep bestens vorbereitet für den Ausflug abseits des Asphalts. Selbstverständlich kümmern wir uns auch um die gesamte TÜV-Thematik!
Ob kompakter Renegade, stattlicher Wrangler oder großer Commander – den Nutzwert im Alltag steigern Sie mit Hunde- und Ladeschutzgittern, Fußmatten, cleveren Stauraumlösungen, einer Pedal Box für mehr Fahrspaß oder einem hochwertigen Audio-System.
Jeep Zubehör: perfekt ausgerüstet!
Wenn es auf Reisen gehen soll, können wir Ihren Allradler mit einer großen Auswahl an Dachgepäckträgern, Schubladensystemen, Heckträgern, Dachzelten, Zusatztanks und Navigationslösungen ausstatten. Damit Sie sicher, entspannt und mit Fahrspaß an Ihr Ziel und auch wieder zurückkommen.
Sehen und gesehen werden – hier geht´s nicht nur um schicke Optik! Hochwertige LED Hauptscheinwerfer, Fernscheinwerfer, Nebelscheinwerfer und Signalleuchten erhöhen aktiv die Sicherheit Ihres Fahrzeugs! Auch die beliebten LED Leisten von Markenherstellern wie Vision-X und Rigid erhalten Sie bei uns – wenn es Ihnen zu dunkel ist: an uns liegt das nicht!
Jeep Ersatzteile, Umbauten und Zubehör
Sollten Sie spezielles Zubehör suchen und nicht in unserem Shop fündig werden – zögern Sie bitte nicht, uns zu kontaktieren. Eine Vielzahl von Zubehör und Ersatzteilen können wir kurzfristig liefern. Und selbstverständlich übernimmt unsere Werkstatt auch den Anbau der gekauften oder zugelieferten Teile – ebenso die Wartung Ihres Jeeps mit Teilen in Originalqualität. Damit stellen wir sicher, dass Sie Ihr Jeep auf der Straße und im Gelände zuverlässig voran bringt. Vom Ölwechsel bis hin zum Komplettumbau: Bei uns ist Ihr Jeep in erfahrenen Händen!
Sie suchen noch ein Mitbringsel oder ein Geschenk für einen Offroad-Enthusiasten? Hier werden Sie fündig, wenn Sie lieber die Finger von technischen Artikeln lassen wollen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Universal base carrier and expandable platform for the spare wheel.
The high school of storage space optimization actually only begins when all the obvious places like the interior or trunk or the roof have long since ceased to offer anything. With our practical and universally applicable spare wheel tray, even the fifth wheel on the car becomes an equipment carrier.The practical storage solution for the spare wheel at the rear consists of two components that can be ordered individually or as a set (here in the store). The base carrier with the tensioning strap is adjustable and thus fits all common off-road tire sizes. If one mounts only the basic carrier (sideways), so e.g. starting aids, wheel chocks and other accessories can be screwed to the carrier or fastened with straps. If you want to mount the tray, i.e. the basket, the base carrier must be on top of the wheel. The loading area of the storage basket is a generous 80cm x 38cm, so that even larger equipment can find its place here. If this area is not enough, you can also turn the platform around and attach with the edge down. Raised edges and circumferential lashing holes ensure problem-free load security.Base carrier and storage basket are black powder-coated, so that the look of the spare wheel tray harmonizes perfectly with any off-roader.
Base carrier: approx. W 38.8cm x D 20cm x H 15.5cmLoading area: approx. W 80cm x D 38cm x H 5cm
Note: Distribute the load centrally or evenly on the platform. Pay attention to the condition of your door hinges when loading the platform!
It is extremely important to secure the strap as tightly as possible in a locked position so you do not lose your equipment. We are NOT responsible for the use or misuse of the racks and damaged vehicles or lost items due to improper assembly and inspection of the load prior to travel.
Montagepauschale für den Hecktür-Reserveradträger NARRTDEF-02 in unserem Hause. Der Einbau erfolgt zum angegebenen Fixpreis, unabhängig von der Dauer.
Bitte beachten: Der Preis bezieht sich nur auf die Montagepauschale, die zu montierende Ware ist separat zu erwerben.
Bitte geben Sie bei der Bestellung Ihre Telefonnummer für die notwendige Terminabsprache mit an. Die Montage ist nur vor Ort in Berg bei Neumarkt (Postleitzahl: 92348) möglich.
Nakatanenga Spare Wheel Carrier Defender Pickup / Softtop, until MY2016
To preserve the original Defender look and to make room on the inside we adjusted our classic spare wheel carrier for the pic-up version of the defender (Attention: there is a separate version available for the classic hardtop). The carrier is independent from the rear gate, we eliminated any noise and made it from stainless steel.
The carrier is thoroughly tested, e.g. on the "Grand Erg" Rally. It was designed to ease the installation while guaranteeing usability and resilience. In 2014 we further improved the design and started manufacturing entirely from stainless steel. The bearing does not require service, the entire carrier is corrosion resistant and can be removed just as easily as installed if needed.
This wheel mount is compatible with the additional step and with the hitch from Land Rover, as well as our rear bumpers
The carrier can easily be mounted yourself alternatively we also offer an installation service. Simply add the service flat rate to your cart and we'll contact you to confirm your appointment.
The carrier does not swing open by itself, secondary unlocking to the gate is necessary.
The carrier is also available in black or can be painted matching to your vehicle.
This mount would also work on a Stationwagon. BUT: the carrier always needs to be opened separately from the outside and does not stay opened (on the pickup this is secured by the gate). It can not be opened from the inside, hence using the third row of seats would no longer be possible, since there is no emergency exit. This emergency exit is also required for campers.
The spare wheel carrier is designed and tested for a total weight (spare wheel and possibly other accessories) of 120 kg.
Suitable for vehicles up to MY2016
Product number:
Weight: 18,1
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
This full stainless steel spare wheel carrier for Defender SW/HT is the successor to our Defender spare wheel carrier RRHNAHI sold by the hundreds. It is available in two colours.
The Defender rear door suffers from the heavy weight of the large spare wheel. Depending on use, after about five years or 50.000 kms the first cracks in the rear door frame appear. There are two solutions for this well-known problem: either move the spare wheel to the bonnet (see our bonnet spare wheel mount for that, not possible for post MY 2007 Defenders) or you fit our rear door spare wheel carrier. It takes off the complete weight from the rear door and opens along with the door. The carrier is fitted to the rear crossmember, a plate is mounted to the existing holes in the door, which is then attached to the carrier with two cranked stainless steel pivots.
This carrier has been tested extensively, among others on the "Grand Erg" rallye and combines easy fitting with high toughness and exeptional usability. Available for all Defender models with rear door (Station and Hardtop). Improved design in 2014 and full stainless steel fabrication. The bearing is maintenance free, the complete carrier rustproof and can be completely revised it necessary. It's compatible with Land Rover rear step / bumper with towbar.
Fitting is possible on a DIY basis. We also offer fitting service. If you also 'buy' the fitting charge we will contact you for an appointment.
The spare wheel carrier opens together with the rear door, no further unlocking necessary.
For vehicles with a tailgate (Pickup, not HCPU) we offer a separate sparewheel carrier: NARRTDEF-STPU
THe carrier is available in stainless steel or black powder coating for vehicles up to MY until 2016
Full stainless steel spare wheel carrier for Defender SW/HT. Fits to rear crossmember. Door is completely unloaded, two colours available.
The spare wheel carrier is designed and tested for a total weight (spare wheel and possibly other accessories) of 120 kg.
The spare wheel carrier for years of construction up to 2001 is supplied with a suitable mounting plate (no picture available).
Nakatanenga Reserverad-Halteplatte Edelstahl Die Halteplatte aus Edelstahl ist gedacht für Selbstbauprojekte. Sie ermöglicht die Montage eines Land Rover Defender Rades auf einer ebenen Fläche, z.B. auf einem Dachträger, einer Ladefläche oder im Innenraum. Die Einschraubbolzen/Gewindestangen haben Regelgewinde M16x2. Der Reifen wird mit den mitgelieferten Unterlegscheiben und Muttern befestigt. Die Einschraubbolzen sind 190 mm lang. Die Größe der Grundplatte beträgt 200 mm x 200 mm. Die Platte ist alleine, ohne Zubehör, NICHT geeignet zur Montage des Reserverades auf der Motorhaube des Defenders! Hierzu verwenden Sie bitte den unten verlinkten Reserveradhalter für den TD5. media/pdf/74/df/0c/Merkblatt-Edelstahl-und-Rost.pdf
Product number:
Weight: 3,6
Parcel shipping
Available from stock - delivery time 1-3 working days
Spare wheel holder Land Rover Defender, anodised aluminium
Spare wheel holder for the bonnet of Land Rover Defender Td5 and Tdi, aluminium riffle, for TD5 with reinforcement plate inside, anodised incl. fixing material as well as holding plate with three bolts made of stainless steel.The reinforcement plate is only required for the TD5 and is only supplied there.
Spare wheel holder with checker plate for bonnet on Land Rover Defender, black powder coated
A reinforcement plate is only required for the TD5 and is only supplied there.
Universal storage space set for the spare wheel
The high school of storage space optimization really only begins when all the obvious places like the interior or trunk or the roof have long since ceased to offer anything. With our practical and universally applicable spare wheel tray, even the fifth wheel on the car becomes an equipment carrier.
The practical storage solution for the spare wheel at the rear consists of two components that can be ordered individually (here in the store) or as a set. The base carrier with the tensioning strap is adjustable and thus fits all common off-road tire sizes. If one mounts only the basic carrier (sideways), so e.g. starting aids, wheel chocks and other accessories can be screwed to the carrier or attached with straps. If you want to mount the tray, i.e. the basket, the base carrier must be on top of the wheel. The loading area of the storage basket is a generous 80cm x 38cm, so that even larger equipment can find its place here. If this area is not enough, you can also turn the platform around and attach with the edge down. Raised edges and circumferential lashing holes ensure problem-free load security.
Base carrier and storage basket are black powder-coated, so that the look of the spare wheel tray harmonizes perfectly with any off-roader.
Base carrier: approx. W 38.8cm x D 20cm x H 15.5cmLoading area: approx. W 80cm x D 38cm x H 5cm
Note: Distribute the load centrally or evenly on the platform. Pay attention to the condition of your door hinges when loading the platform!
It is extremely important to secure the strap as tightly as possible in a locked position so you do not lose your equipment. We are NOT responsible for the use or misuse of the racks and damaged vehicles or lost items due to improper assembly and inspection of the load prior to travel.